忏悔、惭愧、改过、迁善 repentance, shame, undoing the wrong, attaining the good:
### 1. 忏悔的意义 | The Essence of Repentance
- **中:** 忏悔,是心灵深处的觉悟之泪,洗涤昨日的尘埃,燃起今日的明灯。它是生命之河的自净,为前行开辟更清澈的航道。
- **英:** Repentance is the tear of awakening deep within the soul, cleansing the dust of yesterday, and kindling today’s guiding light. It is the river of life purifying itself, carving a clearer path forward.
### 2. 惭愧心的重要性 | The Crucial Nature of Shame
- **中:** 惭愧心,如一面心镜,映照出自我的阴影与光明。它让我们在谦逊中发现力量,在自省中找到前行的勇气。
- **英:** A sense of shame is like a mirror of the heart, reflecting both our shadows and light. It helps us find strength in humility and courage in self-reflection.
### 3. 有过则改 | The Alchemy of Mistakes
- **中:** 当错误如乌云般笼罩时,惭愧心是那穿透黑暗的阳光,化过失为智慧的甘霖,滋润成长的土地。
- **英:** When mistakes loom like dark clouds, the sense of shame is the sunlight that pierces the darkness, transforming errors into the nourishing rain of wisdom, enriching the soil of growth.
### 4. 见善则迁 | The Dance Toward Virtue
- **中:** 善行如春风,吹动心灵的帆船,惭愧心则是那紧握的舵柄,引领我们驶向更高的道德港湾。
- **英:** Virtuous deeds are like a spring breeze that sets the sails of the soul in motion, while the sense of shame is the steady hand on the helm, guiding us toward a harbor of higher morality.
### 5. 息息相关 | The Web of Interconnection
- **中:** 忏悔与惭愧心,是灵魂内在的低语,与“有过则改,见善则迁”交织成一张命运之网,引领我们走向更高的觉悟之境。
- **英:** Repentance and a sense of shame are the soul’s inner whispers, woven together with “correcting mistakes and emulating virtue” into a web of destiny, guiding us toward a higher state of awakening.