
咸恒二卦:内圣和外王的交融为一 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: the integration of the inner sage and outer king

0. 咸恒二卦:内圣和外王的交融为一 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: the integration of the inner sage and outer king

### 觉——木石前盟的纯洁爱情
**The Awakening: Pure Love of the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact**

The Xian Hexagram represents an inner sanctity of self-overcoming, akin to the solitary pursuit of invincibility in eradicating internal obstacles. This true love of Self-Nature, like the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact, purifies our soul in an intangible way. It is not imposed by the external world but is the result of overcoming internal barriers, similar to a practitioner achieving victory in solitary self-challenge.

### 悟——金玉良缘的永久婚姻
**The Enlightenment: Enduring Union of Gold and Jade**

The Heng Hexagram symbolizes the external path of the benevolent king, embodying the ideal of self-cultivation, family harmony, governance, and universal peace. This enduring union, akin to the perfect order of the Cosmic Only Child, is achieved through continuous cultivation and practice. It teaches us that true victory lies not only in personal transcendence but also in applying that transcendence to the governance of family, state, and the world.

