
咸恒: 觉悟交融的身心、人我、天人的三重合一 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: the integration of awakening and enlightenment in three-fold unity

0. 咸恒: 觉悟交融的身心、人我、天人的三重合一 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: the integration of awakening and enlightenment in three-fold unity of Body-Mind, Others-Self and Universe-Humankind.

### 觉——木石前盟的纯洁爱情
**The Awakening: Pure Love of the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact**

The Xian Hexagram embodies the value system of individual life, representing the authenticity and purity of inner self-resonance. Like the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact, this true love does not rely on external conditions but originates from sincere inner self-overcoming. It is an exploration and realization of individual inner value, showcasing the unique beauty found in personal enlightenment.

### 悟——金玉良缘的永久婚姻
**The Enlightenment: Enduring Union of Gold and Jade**

The Heng Hexagram reflects the life perspective of collective existence, symbolizing the ideal of comprehensive harmony achieved through self-cultivation, family harmony, governance, and global peace. An enduring union like Gold and Jade represents not only personal growth but also responsibility and contribution to society and the world. It is about mutual assistance and coexistence within the collective, striving for higher shared goals.

### 觉悟交融——身心合一、人我合一、天人合一的世界观
**The Fusion of Awakening and Enlightenment: Unity of Body and Mind, Self and Others, Heaven and Earth**

The fusion of Xian and Heng symbolizes a world view where body and mind, self and others, and universe and humankind are unified. In this integration, the inner values of individual life and the life perspective of collective existence intertwine to form a harmonious whole. It reminds us to find true balance and completeness in the pursuit of both personal purity and collective harmony.

