





 ### 四大缘起的大学之道

**The University Way of the Four Great Dependent Origins**


**中文**: 四大缘起的大学之道可以这样理解:  

**English**: The university way of the four great dependent origins can be understood as follows:


**中文**: **业感缘起及阿赖耶缘起**:在**明明德的穷尽**中,业感缘起及阿赖耶缘起通过对因果业报与阿赖耶识的深入理解,达到明明德的穷尽。  

**English**: **Karmic Dependent Origination and Ālaya Dependent Origination**: In the **completion of the illumination of virtue (mingmingde)**, karmic dependent origination and ālaya dependent origination are fully understood through a deep comprehension of karmic cause and effect and the Ālaya consciousness, leading to the completion of mingmingde.

**哲理解读**: 业感缘起反映了众生在因果循环中的行为与结果,而阿赖耶缘起揭示了业力如何储存于阿赖耶识中,影响未来的生命历程。在明明德的穷尽中,这种理解使得众生可以看清因果的本质,进而实现自我觉醒与净化。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Karmic dependent origination reflects the cycle of actions and their consequences for sentient beings, while Ālaya dependent origination reveals how karma is stored in the Ālaya consciousness, influencing future life trajectories. In the completion of mingmingde, this understanding allows sentient beings to perceive the true nature of cause and effect, leading to self-awakening and purification.


**中文**: **如来藏缘起**:在**亲民的无尽**中,如来藏缘起通过对一切众生内在佛性的认识,展现出亲民的无尽。  

**English**: **Tathāgatagarbha Dependent Origination**: In the **endlessness of extending benevolence (qinmin)**, Tathāgatagarbha dependent origination is revealed through the recognition of the inherent Buddha-nature in all sentient beings, manifesting the endlessness of qinmin.

**哲理解读**: 如来藏缘起揭示了众生皆具佛性,乃是无限慈悲与智慧的源泉。通过这种缘起的理解,菩萨们能够无尽地利益众生,将亲民的无尽展现得淋漓尽致。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Tathāgatagarbha dependent origination reveals that all sentient beings possess the Buddha-nature, which is the source of infinite compassion and wisdom. Through understanding this dependent origination, Bodhisattvas can infinitely benefit sentient beings, fully embodying the endlessness of qinmin.


**中文**: **法界缘起**:在**止于至善的重重无尽**中,法界缘起通过对宇宙法界一体的彻底觉悟,体现出止于至善的重重无尽。  

**English**: **Dharmadhātu Dependent Origination**: In the **infinite layers of perfection (zhiyuzhishan)**, Dharmadhātu dependent origination is fully realized through the complete awakening to the unity of the cosmic dharmadhātu, manifesting the infinite layers of perfection.

**哲理解读**: 法界缘起展现了整个宇宙的法界是一体的,通过对其彻底觉悟,佛陀达到止于至善的究竟圆满,并引领众生同样走向这种无尽的觉悟与圆满。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Dharmadhātu dependent origination demonstrates that the entire cosmic dharmadhātu is a unified whole. Through complete awakening to this truth, the Buddha achieves ultimate perfection in zhiyuzhishan and guides sentient beings to the same infinite awakening and perfection.


**中文**: 这种四大缘起的结合,将大学之道贯穿于业感、阿赖耶、如来藏、法界的全过程,使其成为真正的觉醒与圆满之道。  

**English**: This integration of the four great dependent origins runs through the entire process of karma, ālaya, tathāgatagarbha, and dharmadhātu in the university way, making it truly the path to awakening and perfection.

**哲理解读**: 四大缘起的结合展示了从因果业报到宇宙一体的完整生命智慧,使大学之道成为通向觉醒和圆满的无尽之路。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The integration of the four great dependent origins demonstrates the complete wisdom of life, from karmic cause and effect to the unity of the cosmos, making the university way an infinite path to awakening and perfection.

