
往生西方的大学之道 【超级无敌重要的念佛心得分享在此】







 ### 往生西方的大学之道  

**The Way of Great Learning for Rebirth in the Western Pure Land**


**中文**: **往则作佛去的明明德的穷尽**:在决定往生西方的当下,通过彻底成佛,实现明明德的穷尽。  

**English**: **Completion of Mingmingde in the pursuit of Buddhahood (wang ze zuo fo)**: In the moment of deciding to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, by fully becoming a Buddha, one achieves the completion of mingmingde.

**准确解读**: “往”代表究竟成佛的般若空慧的自受用。在这个过程中,修行者通过对自性智慧的彻底觉悟,完全实现了明明德。这是对自我觉悟的最终完成,是对自性本空的深刻理解与实现。  

**Accurate Interpretation**: "Wang" signifies the ultimate realization of Buddhahood through the self-enjoyment of prajna emptiness wisdom. In this process, the practitioner fully realizes mingmingde through complete self-awakening, achieving the final completion of self-awareness, deeply understanding, and embodying the nature of emptiness.


**中文**: **生则度众生的亲民的无尽**:在当下的觉悟中,广度众生,展现出亲民的无尽。  

**English**: **Endlessness of Qinmin in the liberation of sentient beings (sheng ze du zhongsheng)**: In the present moment of awakening, by liberating sentient beings, the endlessness of qinmin is manifested.

**准确解读**: “生”代表乘愿再来的无相慈悲的他受用。菩萨们在觉悟后,并未独享悟道之乐,而是以无相的慈悲心,回到世间,度化众生,这体现了亲民的无尽与普度众生的无尽愿力。  

**Accurate Interpretation**: "Sheng" represents the altruistic enjoyment of formless compassion upon returning by vow. After awakening, Bodhisattvas do not simply enjoy their enlightenment alone but return to the world with formless compassion to liberate sentient beings, embodying the endlessness of qinmin and the boundless vow to liberate all.


**中文**: **此方即西方的止于至善的重重无尽**:在彻底觉醒的活在当下,明白此方即是西方,展现出止于至善的重重无尽。  

**English**: **Infinite layers of perfection in realizing that here is the Western Pure Land in the marvelous present moment of complete awakening (ci fang ji xi fang)**: In the complete awakening of living in the present moment, understanding that here is the Western Pure Land manifests the infinite layers of perfection in zhiyuzhishan.

**准确解读**: “西方”象征着活在当下的无上菩提的源头活水。在彻底觉醒的状态中,行者超越了时间和空间的限制,发现此方即是西方,意味着无上菩提的智慧与宁静就在当下,止于至善的无限境界不断展开。  

**Accurate Interpretation**: "Xifang" symbolizes the inexhaustible source of supreme Bodhi in the present moment. In a state of complete awakening, the practitioner transcends the limitations of time and space, realizing that here is the Western Pure Land, signifying that the wisdom and serenity of supreme Bodhi are present here and now, with the infinite realm of perfection unfolding endlessly.


**中文**: 这种往生西方的大学之道,通过成佛、度众生、以及在此方体验西方净土,构成了一条通向觉悟和圆满的无尽之道。  

**English**: This Way of Great Learning for rebirth in the Western Pure Land, through becoming a Buddha, liberating sentient beings, and experiencing the Western Pure Land here, forms an infinite path to awakening and perfection.

