

天来小子曰:A、一般学佛人误以为真如自性只有佛菩萨才能触及,自己只是凡夫,这辈子没有可能触及。|| B、殊不知,真如自性就是佛性,佛法的基本信仰就是一切众生皆有佛性,连一只狗都有佛性,学佛人反而误以为自己没有佛性,那不是连狗都不如吗?|| C、学佛人一定要建立正知正见,学佛才会有成就啊!如果连自己有佛性都不敢相信,那自己就是一个“没有底”的法器,学再多的佛法,也没用啊,因为全部都会“漏”掉啊!

 ### 三自性的大学之道

**The University Way of the Three Natures**


**中文**: 三自性的大学之道可以这样理解:  

**English**: The university way of the three natures can be understood as follows:


**中文**: **妄想自性**:在**明明德的穷尽**中,妄想自性通过对妄想和虚幻的彻底认知,达到明明德的穷尽。妄想自性是二乘人自度的依据,帮助他们通过破除妄念而自我解脱。  

**English**: **Deluded Nature (Wangxiang Zixing)**: In the **completion of the illumination of virtue (mingmingde)**, the deluded nature is fully recognized and understood, leading to the completion of mingmingde. The deluded nature is the basis for self-liberation in the Two Vehicles (Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas), helping them achieve self-liberation by dispelling delusions.

**哲理解读**: 妄想自性代表了众生的迷惑和妄想,是二乘人通过内观、破妄而实现自我解脱的关键。在明明德的穷尽中,妄想的根源被彻底识破,智慧之光由此绽放。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The deluded nature represents the confusion and delusions of sentient beings, serving as the key for the Two Vehicles to achieve self-liberation through introspection and the elimination of delusions. In the completion of mingmingde, the root of delusion is thoroughly exposed, allowing the light of wisdom to shine forth.


**中文**: **缘起自性**:在**亲民的无尽**中,缘起自性通过对因缘和合的深刻理解,展现出亲民的无尽。缘起自性是菩萨度他的依据,帮助他们通过理解缘起法则,广泛地利益众生。  

**English**: **Dependent Origination Nature (Yuanqi Zixing)**: In the **endlessness of extending benevolence (qinmin)**, the nature of dependent origination is deeply understood, revealing the endlessness of qinmin. Dependent origination is the basis for the Bodhisattvas to benefit others, helping them to broadly benefit sentient beings by understanding the law of dependent origination.

**哲理解读**: 缘起自性揭示了众生和万物因缘而生的深层次法则,是菩萨们普度众生、无尽慈悲的根本。在亲民的无尽中,缘起自性引导菩萨们以智慧与慈悲,无限扩展对众生的关怀和帮助。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The dependent origination nature reveals the deep-seated law that all sentient beings and phenomena arise from conditions, serving as the foundation for Bodhisattvas to universally save sentient beings with endless compassion. In the endlessness of qinmin, the dependent origination nature guides Bodhisattvas to extend their care and assistance to sentient beings infinitely, with wisdom and compassion.


**中文**: **真如自性**:在**止于至善的重重无尽**中,真如自性通过对实相的彻底觉悟,体现出止于至善的重重无尽。真如自性是佛陀觉行圆满的源头活水,佛陀正是依此达到究竟圆满。  

**English**: **True Suchness Nature (Zhenru Zixing)**: In the **infinite layers of perfection (zhiyuzhishan)**, the nature of true suchness is fully awakened, manifesting the infinite layers of perfection. True suchness is the source of Buddha's complete enlightenment and practice, from which the Buddha achieves ultimate perfection.

**哲理解读**: 真如自性代表了宇宙的真实本质,是佛陀觉行圆满、智慧遍照的源头。通过对真如自性的彻底觉悟,佛陀不仅实现了自身的圆满,也为众生开启了通向究竟解脱的无尽之路。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The true suchness nature represents the ultimate reality of the universe and is the source of Buddha's complete enlightenment and pervasive wisdom. Through the complete awakening to true suchness, the Buddha not only achieves personal perfection but also opens the infinite path to ultimate liberation for all sentient beings.


**中文**: 这种三自性的结合,将大学之道贯穿于妄想、缘起、真如的全过程,使其成为真正的生命之道。  

**English**: This integration of the three natures runs through the entire process of delusion, dependent origination, and true suchness in the university way, making it truly the way of life.

**哲理解读**: 三自性的结合展示了从迷惑到觉悟、从因缘到实相的完整生命智慧,使大学之道成为通向觉醒和圆满的生命之路。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The integration of the three natures demonstrates the complete wisdom of life, from confusion to awakening, from dependent origination to ultimate reality, making the university way a path to enlightenment and perfection.

