




### 中文
- **“人”字明心**:人字代表着基本的生命存在。“明心”是指通过自我反思和内省,照亮内心世界,认清自己的本性。这是修行的起点,是觉察心灵的纯净和智慧的过程,迈向内在的平和与觉悟。

- **“大”字见性**:当“人”字加上一横,形成“大”字,象征着个体在明心后进入了见性的阶段。见性意味着彰显佛性,即认清并展现自身与生俱来的佛性。这是一种深刻的觉悟,表明人已经超越了表象,展现出内在的慈悲与智慧。

- **“天”字成佛**:在“大”字上再加一横,形成“天”字,象征着修行的最高境界——成佛。成佛不仅是对佛性的完全觉悟,更是达到与宇宙天道合一的境界,心灵与天理相应,成就圆满的智慧与慈悲。

### 英文对照
- **"人" (Person) - Illuminating the Mind**: The character "人" represents basic human existence. "Illuminating the mind" refers to the process of self-reflection and introspection, shedding light on the inner world, and recognizing one’s true nature. This is the starting point of spiritual practice, where one becomes aware of the purity and wisdom within, leading to inner peace and awakening.

- **"大" (Great) - Manifesting Buddha’s Nature**: When the character "人" is combined with a horizontal stroke, forming "大," it signifies the stage of "manifesting Buddha’s Nature" after illuminating the mind. Manifesting Buddha’s Nature means recognizing and expressing the innate Buddha-nature within. This represents a profound realization, showing that one has transcended mere appearances to reveal their inner compassion and wisdom.

- **"天" (Heaven) - Attaining Buddhahood**: Adding another horizontal stroke to "大" creates the character "天," symbolizing the highest stage of spiritual practice—attaining Buddhahood. Attaining Buddhahood is not only the complete realization of Buddha-nature but also the achievement of unity with the universal Dao, where the mind aligns with heavenly principles, culminating in perfect wisdom and compassion.

