



### 中文
- **“人”字是现象界的一阴一阳**:字形中的“一撇一捺”代表了现象界的阴阳对立。它象征着现实世界中各种对立与互补的现象,比如阳光与阴影、活动与静止等。这是对现实世界中存在的阴阳平衡的体现。

- **“大”字是统摄一阴一阳的实相界的太极**:将“人”字加上一横,形成“大”字,象征了实相界中的太极。太极代表了阴阳的统一和总体,它超越了个别现象的对立,展示了更深层次的整体和和谐。在这个层次上,阴阳的对立被整合为一个和谐的整体。

- **“天”字是太极上面的本体界的无极**:在“大”字的基础上再加一横,形成“天”字,象征了本体界的无极。无极是指超越了太极的更高境界,代表了本体界的无限和绝对。这是超越所有现象和实相的最终境界,体现了最根本的存在和宇宙的本源。

### 英文对照
- **"人" (Person) - The Yin-Yang of the Phenomenal World**: The structure of the character "人" with its "one stroke and one bend" represents the Yin-Yang duality in the phenomenal world. It symbolizes the various opposing and complementary phenomena in the reality, such as light and shadow, activity and stillness. This character reflects the balance of Yin and Yang within the observable world.

- **"大" (Great) - The Taiji of the Actual World**: Adding a horizontal stroke to "人" to form "大" symbolizes the Taiji (Supreme Ultimate) in the actual world. Taiji represents the unity and totality of Yin and Yang, transcending individual phenomena and showcasing a deeper sense of integration and harmony. At this level, the duality of Yin and Yang is unified into a harmonious whole.

- **"天" (Heaven) - The Wuji of the Ontological Realm**: Adding another horizontal stroke to "大" creates "天," symbolizing Wuji (Limitless) in the ontological realm. Wuji represents a state that transcends Taiji, denoting the infinite and absolute essence of the ultimate reality. It reflects the highest state beyond all phenomena and actualities, embodying the fundamental existence and the origin of the universe.

