

天来小子曰:A、一般学佛人,对于实相般若与修慧存在严重的误解,以为那是佛菩萨的境界,自己只是凡夫,够不上那个境界。|| B、殊不知佛法并不是世间法,佛法之奥妙在于“没有高下”,存在“那是佛菩萨的境界”的偏见,那是因为“心外求法”,属于“邪魔外道”,如果不懂得洗心革面,这辈子学佛不会有成就。|| C、事实真相是:实相般若与修慧就在我们日常生活的点点滴滴之中,极高明而道中庸,只要懂得“若即若离”的中道的内观法门,就能够触及。

 ### 三慧三般若的大学之道

**The University Way of the Three Wisdoms and Three Prajñās**


**中文**: 三慧三般若的大学之道可以这样理解:  

**English**: The university way of the three wisdoms and three prajñās can be understood as follows:


**中文**: **闻慧与文字般若**:在**明明德的穷尽**中,闻慧通过文字般若的理解,追求智慧的极致。  

**English**: **Śruta (Hearing) Wisdom and Śruti (Textual) Prajñā**: In the **completion of the illumination of virtue (mingmingde)**, śruta wisdom pursues the ultimate in wisdom through the understanding of textual prajñā.

**哲理解读**: 闻慧的文字般若通过对经典和教义的学习,达到明明德的穷尽。这是一种对真理的不断追寻,意味着对智慧的全面掌握。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Śruta wisdom, through textual prajñā, reaches the completion of mingmingde by studying scriptures and teachings. This represents an ongoing pursuit of truth, symbolizing a comprehensive grasp of wisdom.


**中文**: **思慧与观照般若**:在**亲民的无尽**中,思慧通过观照般若的深思,展开对生命和社会的持续探索和实践。  

**English**: **Cintā (Reflection) Wisdom and Cintanā (Contemplative) Prajñā**: In the **endlessness of extending benevolence (qinmin)**, cintā wisdom, through contemplative prajñā, unfolds a continuous exploration and practice concerning life and society.

**哲理解读**: 思慧的观照般若通过对现象世界的深度思考,体现出对社会责任和生命意义的持续关怀。这是一种永无止境的智慧实践。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Cintā wisdom, through contemplative prajñā, expresses continuous concern for social responsibility and the meaning of life by deeply contemplating the phenomenal world. This represents an unending practice of wisdom.


**中文**: **修慧与实相般若**:在**止于至善的重重无尽**中,修慧通过实相般若的修行,体现出圆满无缺的智慧。  

**English**: **Bhāvanā (Cultivation) Wisdom and Tattva (Ultimate Reality) Prajñā**: In the **infinite layers of perfection (zhiyuzhishan)**, bhāvanā wisdom, through the practice of ultimate reality prajñā, manifests perfect and complete wisdom.

**哲理解读**: 修慧的实相般若通过不断的修行,实现止于至善的重重无尽。这个过程不仅是不断深入的觉悟,更是超越一切束缚的彻底圆满。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: Bhāvanā wisdom, through the practice of ultimate reality prajñā, achieves the infinite layers of perfection in zhiyuzhishan. This process is not only a deepening of awakening but also the realization of complete liberation beyond all constraints.


**中文**: 这种三慧三般若的结合,将大学之道贯穿于闻、思、修的全过程,使其成为真正的生命之道。  

**English**: This integration of the three wisdoms and three prajñās runs through the entire process of hearing, reflection, and cultivation in the university way, making it truly the way of life.

**哲理解读**: 三慧三般若的结合体现了从知识获取到深思熟虑再到修行实践的全面智慧之道,是生命智慧的完整体现。  

**Philosophical Interpretation**: The combination of the three wisdoms and three prajñās represents a complete path of wisdom, from knowledge acquisition to deep contemplation and then to the practice of cultivation, embodying the wholeness of life's wisdom.

