
八段锦: 科学语言的中英对照版 I am practicing 八段锦everyday and feel great about it.

0. 八段锦: 科学语言的中英对照版  I am practicing 八段锦everyday and feel great about it. So, what the Little Master Sky Ng said in the following texts is based on the real-life experiences.


1. **双手托天理三焦**【天来小子曰:想象自己是伏羲,正在开天辟地,推开了头顶的天空
   - **中文**:双手托天,通过伸展手臂上举,调整体内的三焦(上焦心肺系统、中焦脾胃系统、下焦肠道排泄系统),帮助平衡体内的气血流动。
   - **English**: Raising both hands overhead helps regulate the three burners (upper-heart and lungs, middle-stomach, lower-intestines) in the body, aiding in balancing the flow of qi and blood within the system.

2. **左右开弓似射雕**【天来小子曰:想象自己是一代天骄成吉思汗,正在弯弓射大雕,就像金庸小说《射雕英雄传》里的大侠一样行侠仗义、除暴安良。】
   - **中文**:左右开弓动作,通过双臂的伸展和拉伸,增强上肢的力量和灵活性,同时促进肩部和背部的活动。
   - **English**: The left-right bowing action involves stretching and extending the arms, which strengthens the upper limbs and enhances flexibility, while also promoting shoulder and back mobility.

3. **调理脾胃须单举**【天来小子曰:想象自己就像公元前606年问鼎中原的楚庄王一样,单手举起了象征王权的宝鼎。不过当年楚庄王因此受伤,我们可要吸取教训,不要重蹈覆辙。】
   - **中文**:单手上举,通过调整脾胃的气血流动,改善消化系统的功能,增强脾胃的健康。
   - **English**: Raising one hand helps regulate the qi and blood flow in the spleen and stomach, improving digestive system function and enhancing overall spleen-stomach health.

4. **五劳七伤往后瞧** 【天来小子曰:苦海无边,回头是岸。看见自己就是无量劫来流浪生死的众生,如今懂得回头,一切生命的伤痛都会获得彻底疗愈。】
   - **中文**:转头回望,通过旋转头部,舒展颈部和肩部肌肉,缓解劳累和紧张,促进心理放松。
   - **English**: Turning the head back helps stretch the neck and shoulder muscles, alleviates fatigue and tension, and promotes psychological relaxation.

5. **摇头摆尾去心火**【天来小子曰:看见自己就是龙的传人,如今神龙摇头又摆尾,好不神奇!
   - **中文**:摇头摆尾动作,帮助释放体内的压力和紧张,调节情绪,促进内心的平静。
   - **English**: The head and tail rocking motion helps release internal stress and tension, regulates emotions, and promotes inner calmness.

6. **双手攀足固肾腰**【天来小子曰:看见自己就是一棵千年古木的生命之树,深深弯腰来照顾自己的根部,确保今生今世的美妙人生的源头活水保持通畅无阻。】
   - **中文**:双手攀足,通过弯腰动作,强化腰部和肾脏的力量,改善腰部稳定性和灵活性。
   - **English**: Reaching for the feet strengthens the lower back and kidneys, improving lumbar stability and flexibility through the bending motion.

7. **攒拳怒目增气力**【天来小子曰:想象自己就是佛门护法的怒目金刚,看见病魔来侵犯修行人,毫不犹豫,毫不客气,将之一拳打飞!
   - **中文**:攒拳怒目的动作,增强手臂力量和气力,同时提升全身的肌肉紧张度和精神集中度。
   - **English**: The fist-clenching and glaring action enhances arm strength and overall energy, while also increasing muscle tension and mental focus.

8. **背后七颠百病消**【天来小子曰:想象自己听见道教真人张三丰在自己耳边说道,人体能量颠倒颠,个个修成活神仙!
   - **中文**:轻轻颠动身体,促进血液循环,帮助排除体内的毒素和病邪,提升身体健康水平。
   - **English**: Gentle bouncing helps stimulate blood circulation, aids in removing toxins and pathogens from the body, and improves overall health.


