
非:翅膀,非,开悟 I personally love this post very much. Hope you enjoy it as well.




“非”字的字形直观上就像一对翅膀,象征着心灵的自由与飞翔。||  字音“飞”与翅膀的意象相呼应,暗示了心灵的升腾。||  字义上的“非”体现了超越一切对立的是非,掌握阴阳之间的平衡,从而活在当下,体验整体生命能量的美妙人生。



The character “非” visually resembles a pair of wings, symbolizing the freedom and flight of the soul.  || The pronunciation “fei” (same pronunciation as "fly" in Chinese)  echoes the image of wings, suggesting the uplift of the spirit. || The meaning of “非” embodies the transcendence of all dualities and oppositions, grasping the balance between yin and yang, thus living in the present and experiencing the wonderful vitality of a holistic life.

