1. 我们每个人都住在无所不在的常寂光净土,不论我们知不知道。——不知道的人,误以为西方世界在十万亿佛土之外;知道的人,发现自己就住在西方世界里。因为真正的西方世界,就是无所不在的常寂光净土。【感恩八指头陀月溪禅师的开示,扫除我胸中的疑惑】
2. All of us are actually living in the Western Pure Land (WPL)., no matter we know it or not. ==> Those who don't know, think that the WPL is 1000 billion Buddha-fields away; whereas, those who know find themselves living in the WPL which emcompasses the 1000 billion Buddha-fields.