1. 三子一台戏:骗子、疯子、傻子,三子合体看自己。
2. 一个人连自己都要骗,真的不知道拿他怎么办啊!只能说骗子编剧、疯子演戏、傻子看戏,热热闹闹的一台戏,谁骗谁,谁怕谁,谁爱谁,通通都是假的啦!
3. Deep reflection is what we all need. An unexamined life not worth living.
4. 我们每个人的大脑是骗子在不停地编剧、身是疯子不断在演戏、心是傻子在那里装傻看戏。
5. Let's sit back and look at the deceiving mind, the cracy words and deed we performed and the pretending heart; and, stop all these nonsense and be true to ourselves, be happy to follow the norm and embracing the peace and happiness of the present moments!
6. 大脑啊,不要再骗了!身体啊,不要再疯狂了!心啊,不要装傻了。大家集合,一起生活在当下的喜悦与宁静之中吧!