
Three bodies: bottom-up heart-body, top-down mind-body, dynamic balancing soul-body

 In the cosmos of the human body, the life energy flows of the three essential bodies represent a profound alignment between morality, cosmic principle, and ultimate self-awakening:

### 1. **The bottom-up Energy Flow of the Heart-Body in the Abdomen: "The Discovery of Conscience" and the "Moral Law Within"**  

The abdominal region symbolizes the bottomless heart-body of unconditional love, where the flow of energy represents the awakening of conscience, or "the discovery of conscience." This resonates with Kant's notion of the "moral law within." It is here that the deep moral consciousness emerges from within, where the individual's inner sense of right and wrong is brought to light, aligning the person with universal ethical principles. This energy flow is the foundation of moral integrity and compassion, grounding the individual in a profound sense of ethical responsibility toward oneself and others.

### 2. **The top-down Energy Flow of the Mind-Body in the Skull: "Cosmic Principle Manifesting" through the "Starry Sky Above"**  

The cranial cavity represents the topless mind-body of Sunyata wisdom, where the flow of energy relates to the "cosmic principle manifesting" through the "starry sky above." This is the flow of universal wisdom and natural law, where one becomes aligned with the larger, transcendent forces that govern existence. The energy descending from the cosmic realm into the head is symbolic of the individual’s connection to the divine order, representing a fusion of natural law ("天理流行") with human awareness. It is through this flow that the human mind opens to higher truths, gaining insight into the structure and purpose of the universe.

### 3. **The dynamic balancing Energy Flow of the Soul-Body in the Chest: "Ultimate Awakening" and "Standing Tall Between Heaven and Earth"**  

The chest houses the boundless Soul-body of infinite courage, where the energy flow represents "ultimate awakening" and the ability to "stand tall between heaven and earth" as a fully realized human being. This is the culmination of the previous two flows—where the moral foundation of the heart-body and the cosmic insight of the nature-body merge, leading to complete self-actualization. The individual now embodies the Dao, or the Way, living in full harmony with both earthly life and universal truths. This energy flow is the expression of total spiritual awakening, where one becomes a true "great person," aligned with both the heavens and the earth, fully conscious and enlightened.

Together, these three flows—of the heart-body, mind-body, and soul-body—form a holistic system of moral, cosmic, and spiritual energy that harmonizes within the human form. They represent the dynamic process of aligning inner virtue with universal principles, culminating in the realization of the fully awakened self.

