
The YY Fish in the quantum world of Great Learning

**Title: The Quantum Harmony of the Heart-Mind: The Infinite Dance of Yin and Yang in the Universe of the Self**

In the practice of *The Great Learning*, the wisdom of the "One Mind, Three Contemplations" (*一心三观*) and the integration of the *Three Truths* (*三谛圆融*) are not abstract philosophical concepts but deeply rooted in the present moment, akin to the dynamic balance of yin and yang in the quantum world. The human body, as a microcosm of the universe, embodies this balance. Like a fish swimming in the infinite waters of existence, this energy flows through different centers of the body, harmonizing the polarities of emptiness and form, illusion and reality, movement and stillness.

### 1. **Cranial Cavity: The Heart-Mind of Luminous Virtue and the Energy Flow of the Contemplation of Emptiness**
Within the **cranial cavity** resides the energy of the *Heart-Mind*—the luminous virtue of awakening. This energy manifests as the **contemplation of emptiness** (*空观*) and the **truth of emptiness** (*空谛*), similar to the wisdom of *prajñā* (wisdom of emptiness), which teaches us that all phenomena are void of intrinsic nature. Everything is impermanent, and all things lack independent existence.

The energy flow of emptiness in the cranial cavity guides us to transcend the mundane and recognize the illusory nature of all appearances. This contemplation not only helps us let go of attachments but also awakens the clarity and purity of our inner wisdom, embodying the virtue of enlightenment.

### 2. **Abdominal Cavity: The True Nature of Humanity and the Energy Flow of the Contemplation of Provisional Reality**
In contrast, the **abdominal cavity** carries the energy of the **True Nature of Humanity**—the tangible embodiment of ethical practice. Here, the **contemplation of provisional reality** (*假观*) and the **truth of provisional reality** (*假谛*) are expressed. This does not dismiss the world but embraces it, recognizing all things as temporary manifestations, arising from dependent origination.

The energy of provisional reality teaches us to engage with the world, to carry out our duties, and to live with compassion and responsibility. While we move through the illusionary play of life, provisional reality helps us discern the truth within appearances and leads us to act with wisdom and benevolence in the everyday world.

### 3. **Chest Cavity: The Way of Ultimate Goodness and the Tai Chi Energy Flow of the Contemplation of the Middle Path**
In the **chest cavity**, we find the **Way of Ultimate Goodness**, where the energies of the cranial and abdominal cavities converge. The energy here represents the **contemplation of the Middle Path** (*中观*) and the **truth of the Middle Path** (*中谛*). It harmonizes the dualities of emptiness and form, creating a balance between the contemplations of emptiness and provisional reality. This state of balance embodies the principle of *Tai Chi* (*太极*), the ultimate unity of yin and yang.

In this center, the energy flow reveals the dynamic equilibrium of existence, where opposites meet and transcend their seeming contradiction. The Middle Path is the source of harmony, uniting the wisdom of emptiness with the compassion of provisional reality, guiding us to the highest state of goodness and virtue.

### 4. **The One Mind, Three Contemplations and the Three Truths: Living in the Quantum World of the Present Moment**
The wisdom of the **One Mind, Three Contemplations** (contemplations of emptiness, provisional reality, and the Middle Path) is akin to the subtle balance of forces in the quantum world. Each point within this realm contains the whole, and each moment holds infinite potential. The **Three Truths** (truths of emptiness, provisional reality, and the Middle Path) are not separate but interwoven, existing simultaneously in each moment. This interconnection shows us that the real, the illusory, and the transcendent are all facets of the same reality, constantly coexisting and mutually supporting.

In the practice of the One Mind, Three Contemplations, the energy flows not only through the cranial cavity’s truth of emptiness and the abdominal cavity’s truth of provisional reality but also finds unity in the chest cavity, where the three become fully integrated. This is the essence of wisdom in *The Great Learning*: the cultivation of virtue, self-reflection, compassion, and moral practice leading to the ultimate realization of goodness.

The movement of the yin-yang fish represents not only the eternal interplay of cosmic forces but also the flowing of wisdom and compassion within the practitioner. This guiding energy brings us to the realization that through the dynamic dance of emptiness and form, illusion and reality, we come to rest in the unchanging center—the **Middle Path**. Here, in this quantum world of existence, we find harmony in the flow of the universe, arriving at the complete awakening of compassion and wisdom, the ultimate realization of the pure land of **Blissful Enlightenment**.

