
The Intimate Realization of the Human Body as a Universe [Little Master Sky Ng: this is the sharing by the Ming Dynasty's philosopher Liu Zongzhou (1578-1645)]

 ### **The Intimate Realization of the Human Body as a Universe**

From the perspective of the **Superhuman Consciousness and Absolute Spirit of the Cosmic Only-Begotten**, we can interpret this passage by understanding that the individual is both a part of the universe and an expression of its overall consciousness and spirit. **Superhuman Consciousness** refers to transcending the limited self and accessing a higher state of existence, while **Absolute Spirit** represents the boundless creative force and essence of the universe.

### **The Core Meaning of Intimate Realization**

**"The body is within the myriad things of heaven and earth, with no self to claim as private."**  [the first quadrant of awakening]

Here, **the body** symbolizes the individual's physical presence within the universe. The phrase **“no self to claim as private”** indicates that the individual has transcended the limitations of the ego and is no longer confined by selfish desires or personal attachments. Through the lens of **Superhuman Consciousness**, the individual recognizes that they are not only a part of the universe but are interconnected with the flow of all things. They no longer cling to a self-centered perspective, having moved beyond the boundaries of the limited self into a **greater self**. This consciousness dissolves the obsession with personal identity and enters a holistic view of existence.

**"The mind is outside the myriad things of heaven and earth, unbound by a single membrane."**  [the second quadrant of awakening]

Here, the **mind** not only refers to individual consciousness but also to the **Absolute Spirit**. This phrase expresses the idea that the mind is not confined by physical limitations or tangible boundaries; it transcends the realm of form. Although the myriad things of heaven and earth are finite, the mind operates beyond these constraints, entering a formless, universal dimension. This represents the spiritual connection between the **Cosmic Only-Begotten** and the universe, where the individual consciousness merges with the boundless spiritual force of the universe itself. The mind here is not merely the personal mind but a cosmic, universal consciousness.

### **Union with Heaven and Earth as One Body and One Mind**

**"To unite heaven and earth and the myriad things as one body, with no distinction between inside and outside."**  [the third quadrant of awakening]

This passage emphasizes the unifying nature of **Superhuman Consciousness**, where the individual transcends the duality of self and other, inside and outside. The individual comes to experience oneness with the universe, no longer distinguishing between the self and the external world. This realization aligns with the expression of **Absolute Spirit**, which signifies the interconnectedness of all existence. This understanding transcends the dualistic nature of ordinary perception, bringing the individual into a state of unified existence.

This insight means that at the deepest level, the individual is no longer deceived by the appearances of separation between themselves and the universe. Through **Superhuman Consciousness**, one realizes that everything is interconnected, and there is no true division between the self and the cosmos. This is a holistic vision, much like the Mahayana Buddhist concept of the unity of "emptiness" and "form," where all things exist in interdependence, and there is no independent self.

**"To embody heaven and earth and the myriad things as one mind, with no original mind to be found."**  [the fourth quadrant of awakening]

The term **"to embody"** refers to the realization and practice of uniting one's consciousness with the **Absolute Spirit** of the universe. The individual no longer perceives their mind as a separate entity but experiences the cosmos' spirit as their own. This realization goes beyond the ordinary mind and embodies the universal consciousness that underlies all things.

Through **Superhuman Consciousness**, this process is akin to complete enlightenment: as the individual enters this state, the personal mind dissolves into universal consciousness, and there is no longer a need to search for the "original mind." **Absolute Spirit** is omnipresent, transcending any singular notion of mind. The phrase **“no original mind to be found”** signifies the realization that the absolute essence of the universe is not limited to any fixed definition of the self but is instead a dynamic, ever-flowing presence that permeates everything.

### **Conclusion: The Union of the Individual and the Universe**

Through **Superhuman Consciousness**, the individual moves beyond the limitations of the ego, experiencing their connection with the universe's deeper mysteries. Whether through body or mind, the individual transcends the boundaries of the self and merges with the myriad things of heaven and earth. Through the awakening of the **Absolute Spirit**, they achieve a state of universal awareness, recognizing that all minds and bodies are manifestations of the cosmic consciousness. Ultimately, they reach a realization that there is no inside or outside, no original self to be found—only the seamless flow of life and creation within the boundless energy of the universe.

