
Life energy management system

### Life Energy Management System of the Human Cosmic Body

The **life energy management system** in the human cosmic body revolves around three core elements: cultivating the heart, nurturing the nature, and realizing the Way. These three aspects are interconnected, forming a comprehensive system for life cultivation and enlightenment.

### 1. **Cultivating the Topless Mind: Cultivation of Virtue through Enlightened Heart (明明德的修德)**
Cultivating the heart refers to the process of purifying and elevating the **mind-body**, aiming to illuminate one's inherent virtue—this is called **"enlightened virtue" (明明德)**. By cultivating virtue, we uncover the inherent goodness within, eliminate selfish desires and distractions, and maintain clarity of mind. This stage focuses on the inner elevation of one's topless mind through eliminating of doubts, worries, and fears.

The path of cultivating the topless mind is like the gentle nurturing of spring rain, silently nourishing all beings. In our daily lives, each purified thought, and refined act represents an elevation of the mind's energy. The topless mind is like a mirror, and only through constant cultivation can it become clear and bright, reflecting the truth of the world and our true nature.

### 2. **Nurturing the Bottomless Heart: Cultivating Virtue through Understanding Human Nature (亲民的性德)**
Nurturing the bottomless heart involves fostering the natural qualities of the **heart- body**, expressed through **"intimacy with people" (亲民)** and manifesting **"natural virtue of unconditional love" (性德)**. The nature of the bottomless heart represents the pure, inherent essence we are born with. Nurturing the nature helps us return to our original state of kindness, rediscovering that core part of ourselves that is most tender and full of love, and connecting with humanity. Natural virtue is something that flows naturally, without forced cultivation.

Nurturing the bottomless heart of unconditional love enables us to cultivate harmonious relationships with the universe, others, and ourselves. Just as Goddess Mercy represents the energy of love and compassion, nurturing the heart of love helps us perceive the goodness within humanity, and through continuous practice and realization, we can find the true path that belongs to us.

### 3. **Realizing the Way: Achieving Ultimate Good through the Oneness of Virtue and Nature (止于至善的性修不二)**
Realizing the Way is the ultimate goal of this entire life cultivation process. The **Soul-body** represents the ultimate truth of the universe, and **"achieving ultimate good" (止于至善)** signifies reaching a state of perfection. This stage is not merely about cultivating the mind or nurturing the heart, but rather the merging and elevation of both, achieving the oneness of **wisdom of mind-body and love of heart-body (性修不二)**.

Realizing the Way means transcending dualistic distinctions between good and evil, reaching a state of unity with the universe and the Way. At this level, all cultivation is no longer for personal growth, but naturally returns to the Way itself, in harmony with cosmic order. This state is like the winter season of the earth, where stillness holds boundless energy, representing both a return and the full manifestation of life energy.

### Conclusion:
The three aspects of **cultivating the mind, nurturing the heart, and realizing the Way** are intimately connected, forming a complete energy management system of the human cosmic body. **Cultivating the mind** focuses on inner purification and moral elevation, **nurturing the heart** brings us closer to our natural essence and to others, and **realizing the Way** transcends duality, uniting with the Way and achieving ultimate good. Each stage is a crucial step toward perfection and completion, ultimately leading to the oneness of virtue and nature.

Through this energy management system, we not only elevate our personal cultivation but also resonate with the universal flow of energy, achieving the unity of heart, nature, and the Way, thus living a truly wonderful and harmonious life.

