**A cloud never dies** symbolizes the eternal journey of life within the cosmic body. The fertilized egg is like a cloud in the sky that transforms into a raindrop, falling to the earth. This raindrop represents the origin of life, as the fertilized egg begins to develop into a fetus, then an infant, a teenager, an adult, and finally an elderly person.
Each stage of life mirrors the journey of the raindrop, which travels from its source upstream, through the middle course, and finally downstream, returning to the ocean. This process signifies the natural transition through various phases of existence, culminating in the final heartbeat and breath. When this moment arrives, it is akin to the raindrop completing its journey on land and merging into the vast ocean.
However, this is not an end but a continuation of the cycle of life. After returning to the ocean, the raindrop evaporates and ascends back to the sky, becoming part of a cloud once again. Just as life returns to the source of the universe, although the physical body may perish, the essence of life never truly disappears; it exists perpetually in cycles and transformations, awaiting the beginning of a new journey. This encapsulates the profound metaphor of "a cloud never dies"—the continuity and eternity of life.
Enhanced version:
**Home of the raindrops** depicts the journey of the small raindrop flowing through the river of life, where it can suddenly realize that it is, in fact, a cloud in the sky. This moment of enlightenment symbolizes self-awakening and a profound understanding of the essence of life.
As the raindrop flows along its path, it encounters various landscapes and challenges, sometimes feeling lost and helpless. However, when it takes a moment to pause and reflect, it comes to the realization of its origin and belonging—it is not an isolated existence but intrinsically connected to the vast sky and the boundless universe. This awareness allows the raindrop to understand that, despite experiencing numerous struggles on the ground, its essence has always been part of the sky, filled with infinite possibilities and connections.
Thus, this realization is not merely a confirmation of its identity, but a deep understanding of the relationship between itself and all of existence. The raindrop recognizes that it is indeed a cloud, symbolizing freedom, transformation, and the cyclical nature of life, ultimately returning to the sky to continue its journey.