
心斋坐忘的三听 three levels of listening

0. 心斋坐忘的三听 three levels of listening



1. **有为法**:有为法指的是所有通过言语、文字和其他形式传达的道理或教法。它们可以通过耳朵听到,通过理性思维来理解和分析。因为有为法有具体的形式和结构,因此可以通过感官来接收。

2. **无为法**:无为法则超越了言语和形式,它属于更深层次的智慧或道理,涉及心灵的直觉感知。这样的道理并非通过逻辑推理可以完全理解,而需要通过内心的体悟和觉察。因此,应该“听之以心”,即用心去感受和领悟。

3. **不可说法**:不可说法是最为玄妙的,它超越了语言、形式和心灵的感知,属于更高层次的道理或境界。由于语言无法表达这种境界,因此它只能通过气(即生命能量或呼吸)去“听”。气代表着一种全然的存在状态,通过与宇宙的和谐共振,人们可以接触到这种不可言说的智慧。


**English Translation:**

"The teachings of the world can be heard with the ears; the teachings beyond form should be listened to with the heart; the teachings that cannot be spoken must be listened to with the breath."

This statement intricately connects different levels of teachings (truths or doctrines) with the ways in which they are perceived.

1. **The teachings of the world**: These are the truths or doctrines that can be conveyed through words, writings, and other forms. They can be heard with the ears, understood, and analyzed through rational thought. Since these teachings have concrete forms and structures, they can be received through the senses.

2. **The teachings beyond form**: These go beyond words and form, belonging to a deeper level of wisdom or truth, requiring the intuitive perception of the heart. Such teachings cannot be fully grasped through logical reasoning; they must be sensed and understood through inner awareness and insight. Therefore, they should be "listened to with the heart," meaning they should be felt and realized within.

3. **The teachings that cannot be spoken**: These are the most mystical teachings, transcending language, form, and even the perception of the heart, belonging to the highest level of truth or state of being. Since this state cannot be expressed in words, it can only be "heard" through the breath (or life energy). The breath represents a state of total presence, through which one can resonate in harmony with the universe and access this ineffable wisdom.

This statement reminds us that different levels of truth require different ways of perception and understanding. Listen to the surface sounds with the ears, feel the deeper wisdom with the heart, and experience the essence of being with the breath. Through these levels of practice, we can truly touch the essence of life.

