
Thorough awakening is thorough healing 通过彻底疗愈来获得彻底觉醒

1. Thorough awakening is thorough healing 通过彻底疗愈来获得彻底觉醒

2. Firstly, settle the troubled mind-heart through mindfulness meditation. This is to heal the confused mind which is receptive and unreliable as well as the broken heart which is full of negative energy and keep hijacking the mind. 首先,通过正念来安定饱受困扰的理性-感性的二重唱.一方面是疗愈充满欺骗性的不可靠的混乱的理性心,一方面是疗愈充满负能量的时不时绑架理性的受伤的感性心.

3. Secondly, settle the lost soul through recovering the instinctive responses of your buddha-nature in the realm of being. 其次,通过恢复你在本体界的佛性的本能反应来安定迷失的心灵.

4. Last but not the least, settle the healed body in the daily life by living in the present moment. Not to forget, the present moment is the gift of the universe for humankind. 最后且是最重要的,通过活在当下来安定你疗愈了的身体.须知,"当下"的本能反应就是宇宙送给人类的礼物.

