
本能反应: 从身体到生命的活死人的心灵出生 recover the instinctive response of your life

 0. 本能反应: 从身体到生命的活死人的心灵出生

1. [意识界]人类身体被困于意识界而失去本能反应,这是处于一种"活死人"状态的人类生命.道教全真教开祖王重阳曾经给自己准备了一个"活死人墓"来修行,具有非常深刻的意义.活死人,到底是死还是活呢?这很像量子力学界里的"薛定谔的猫",一只又死又活的猫;活死人,一个又死又活的人.俗话说:半死不活,这形容的是没有修行的"心灵失灵"的人,或者说"心灵还没出世"的人.每个人都需要"出生两次",第一次是靠父母生我们的身体,第二次是靠老师生我们的心灵. Everyone needs to be born twice. First born is the thanking to our parents for the birth of your body. Second born is the thanking to our teachers for the birth of your soul.

2. [现象界]在调身-调息-调心的能量清理过程,我们先是恢复了现象界的身体大小周天能量运化的本能反应. through adjusting your body postures, your breathings and your thoughts, you recover the instinctive responses of your body energy running freely throughout the whole body.

3. [实相界]在调身-调息-调心的能量清理过程中,我们置心一处,恢复了实相界的良心发现的本能反应through adjusting your body postures, your breathings and your thoughts; and, you focus your mind at only one place, you recover the instinctive responses of your conscience in the realm of ultimate reality.

4. [本体界]在调身-调息-调心的能量清理过程中,我们置心一处,而且识自心源,恢复了本体界的天理流行的本能反应through adjusting your body postures, your breathings and your thoughts; and, you focus your mind at only one place; and, you see the source of your true mind, you recover the instinctive responses of your buddha-nature in the realm of being.

