
This life is a three-kingdom romance 今生今世就是一个三国故事

1. This life is a three-kingdom romance. 今生今世就是一个三国的故事。

2. The three kingdoms are: the mind, the heart and the soul. 三国指的是:人类理性、人类感性、人类心灵。

3. The confused mind keeps belittling the heart. 一片混乱的人类理性总爱看不起人类感性。

4. The broken heart keeps hijacking the mind. 时常心碎的人类感性又总是绑架人类理性。

5. The lost soul is full of fear and keeps confusing the mind and breaking the heart. 迷失的人类心灵充满恐惧,给人类理性带来更多的混乱,给人类感性带来更多的心碎。

6. You have to take immediate action to stop all these nonsenses. 你不能坐以待毙,必须立马采取行动,结束这一切乌烟瘴气的生命状况。

7. Come. Sit up tall. Breathe peacefully. Relax. Fully at ease. 来吧。坐下吧,虚领顶劲,百会穴与会阴穴对齐,拉出人体的中轴线。深长慢匀地呼吸。放松。百分之百地自在。

8. Firstly, calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart. 首先,冷静下来,下来,直到你情感大海的海底。

9. Secondly, raise yourself up to the top of your mind. 其次,提升上来,上来,直到你理智高山的巅峰。

10. Last but not the least, expand yourself to the border of the universe. 最后且是最重要的,放大自己,放大,直到宇宙的边界处。

11. Practice this simple mental skill every day. 每天练习这项简单的内心技能。

12. Till one day, you recover as a naked soul with a topless mind and bottomless heart. 直到有一天,你彻底疗愈为含摄般若空慧、无相慈悲的彻底觉醒的人。

13. Your will discover mind-heart-soul is a trinity of total health within, dwells poetically on the body after you free yourself from the three-fold troubles of doubts, worries and fears. 当你成功清理掉疑惑、忧虑与恐惧的三重烦恼后,你将发现,“理智-情感-心灵”是内在整体健康的三位一体,诗意地栖息在人类身体。

14. You actualize a wonderful life by winning the holy war within. 你通过在内心圣战中取胜,实现了美妙人生。

15. So, you know what the true meaning is. The true meaning of the three-kingdom romance. 因此,你懂得了真正的意思。三国故事的真正意思。

16. Amazing, isn't it? 很神奇,不是吗?

