
This life is a Red Chamber Dream 人生就是一个红楼梦

0.  This life is a Red Chamber Dream 人生就是一个红楼梦

回到中文世界来看一下红楼梦: 贾宝玉的人生如旅,林黛玉的人生如戏,薛宝钗的人生如梦。木石前盟是如旅的人性与如戏的人心的灵魂知己的咸卦的先天关系,金玉良缘是如梦的人身与如旅的人心的终身伴侣的恒卦的后天关系。(few people can understand Chinese in Singapore, so I asked ChatGPT to translate the Chinese version into English)


This metaphor, using key relationships from "Dream of the Red Chamber," deeply explores the different aspects of life as a journey, a drama, and a dream, as well as the complex relationships between these aspects. Let's delve further into this wonderful life philosophy:

### Jia Baoyu: Life as a Journey

1. **Symbol of Jia Baoyu**:
   - Jia Baoyu symbolizes the journey of life. His life is filled with exploration and growth, representing our constant quest and progress on life's path.

### Lin Daiyu: Life as a Drama

1. **Symbol of Lin Daiyu**:
   - Lin Daiyu symbolizes the dramatic ups and downs of life. Her life is full of joys and sorrows, representing the emotions and dramatic events we experience in life.

### Xue Baochai: Life as a Dream

1. **Symbol of Xue Baochai**:
   - Xue Baochai symbolizes the ephemeral and transient nature of life. Her seemingly stable life is actually full of impermanence and changes, representing our pursuit of reality and ideals, as well as our understanding of impermanence.

### The Oath of the Stone and Flower: The Innate Connection of the Souls of Those Who Experience Life as a Journey and Heart as a Drama (Hexagram Xian)

1. **Symbol of the Oath of the Stone and Flower**:
   - The Oath of the Stone and Flower represents the soulful bond between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. Jia Baoyu's "journey" and Lin Daiyu's "drama" connect on a soul level, symbolizing an innate affinity.

2. **Innate Relationship of Hexagram Xian**:
   - In the "I Ching," Hexagram Xian symbolizes mutual influence and response. The relationship in the Oath of the Stone and Flower is akin to Hexagram Xian, indicating a natural, innate connection between the two souls.

### The Marriage of Gold and Jade: The Lifelong Partnership of Those Who Live Life as a Dream and Heart as a Journey (Hexagram Heng)

1. **Symbol of the Marriage of Gold and Jade**:
   - The Marriage of Gold and Jade represents the marital relationship between Xue Baochai and Jia Baoyu. Xue Baochai's "dream" and Jia Baoyu's "journey" unite on a practical level, symbolizing a postnatal affinity and arranged marriage.

2. **Postnatal Relationship of Hexagram Heng**:
   - In the "I Ching," Hexagram Heng symbolizes constancy and stability. The relationship in the Marriage of Gold and Jade is akin to Hexagram Heng, indicating a stable and enduring connection formed through effort and arrangement.

### Practicing This Life Philosophy

1. **Embrace Life's Journey and Emotional Waves**:
   - Like Jia Baoyu, embrace life's journey, experiencing every encounter and growth. Like Lin Daiyu, accept the emotional waves of life, enjoying each dramatic moment.

2. **Recognize Life's Transience and Impermanence**:
   - Like Xue Baochai, recognize the transience and impermanence of life. Cherish each moment, not clinging to pursuits and ideals but living in the reality.

3. **Understand Innate and Postnatal Relationships**:
   - Through the metaphors of the Oath of the Stone and Flower and the Marriage of Gold and Jade, understand the innate affinities and postnatal relationships in life. Recognize that some connections are soul-deep and natural, while others are stable and enduring through effort and arrangement.

### Conclusion

Through the metaphors of relationships in "Dream of the Red Chamber," we can better understand different aspects of life. Jia Baoyu's life is a journey, Lin Daiyu's life is a drama, and Xue Baochai's life is a dream; the Oath of the Stone and Flower represents the innate connection of souls experiencing life as a journey and heart as a drama, and the Marriage of Gold and Jade represents the lifelong partnership of those who live life as a dream and heart as a journey. Through embracing, experiencing, and recognizing, we can live a fulfilling and beautiful life in the present world.

