

0. 后天八卦的修身奥义

回归中文世界来继续探索今生今世的美妙人生: 后天八卦的阳四卦与阴四卦的一昼夜,始于8–11PM的乾卦的君子以自强不息与11PM—2AM的坎卦的君子以常德行习教事,承于2–5AM的艮卦的君子以思不出其位于5–8AM的震卦的君子以恐惧修省,转于8–11AM的巽卦的君子以申命行事与11AM—2PM的离卦的大人以继明照于四方,合于2–5PM的坤卦的君子以厚德载物与5–8PM的兑卦的君子以朋友讲习。(For all brothers and sisters within the four seas to learn and grow, I handholds ChatGPT to produce this. )

This metaphor uses the 24-hour cycle of the post-heaven Bagua to delve into the different levels of self-cultivation, family management, state governance, and world peace for a noble person. Let's further explore this life philosophy:

### Qian Hexagram: 8-11 PM - Noble Person's Self-Strengthening

1. **Symbol of Qian Hexagram**:
   - The Qian Hexagram symbolizes the sky, representing firmness and self-strengthening. From 8-11 PM, as the day begins to quiet down, the noble person should strive to be constantly self-strengthening, improving oneself, and planning for the future.

2. **Practice of Self-Strengthening**:
   - During this time, the noble person should reflect on their actions and goals, continuously progress, maintain a positive attitude, firm beliefs, and pursue excellence.

### Kan Hexagram: 11 PM-2 AM - Noble Person's Consistent Virtue and Learning

1. **Symbol of Kan Hexagram**:
   - The Kan Hexagram symbolizes water, representing danger and challenge. From 11 PM-2 AM, the deepest part of the night, the noble person should cultivate consistent virtue and practice learning, building resilience and perseverance.

2. **Practice of Consistent Virtue and Learning**:
   - During this time, the noble person should persist in self-cultivation, develop virtues, seriously learn and reflect, using virtue and wisdom to face life's challenges.

### Gen Hexagram: 2-5 AM - Noble Person's Inward Reflection

1. **Symbol of Gen Hexagram**:
   - The Gen Hexagram symbolizes a mountain, representing stopping and stillness. From 2-5 AM, the quietest time of the day, the noble person should inwardly reflect, keeping calm and introspective.

2. **Practice of Inward Reflection**:
   - During this time, the noble person should think deeply without acting rashly, staying focused on their current responsibilities and roles, maintaining inner peace and stability.

### Zhen Hexagram: 5-8 AM - Noble Person's Vigilance and Self-Examination

1. **Symbol of Zhen Hexagram**:
   - The Zhen Hexagram symbolizes thunder, representing awakening and alertness. From 5-8 AM, the start of the day, the noble person should be vigilant and self-examine, preparing for the new day.

2. **Practice of Vigilance and Self-Examination**:
   - During this time, the noble person should reflect on the past, be alert to the future, correct mistakes, improve oneself, and be ready to face the day's challenges and opportunities.

### Xun Hexagram: 8-11 AM - Noble Person's Mission and Action

1. **Symbol of Xun Hexagram**:
   - The Xun Hexagram symbolizes wind, representing compliance and dissemination. From 8-11 AM, the morning of the day, the noble person should follow their mission and act, aligning with destiny and taking proactive steps.

2. **Practice of Mission and Action**:
   - During this time, the noble person should set clear goals, comply with circumstances, actively strive, and utilize their talents to contribute to society and family.

### Li Hexagram: 11 AM-2 PM - Noble Person's Enlightenment and Illumination

1. **Symbol of Li Hexagram**:
   - The Li Hexagram symbolizes fire, representing brightness and civilization. From 11 AM-2 PM, the brightest time of the day, the noble person should enlighten and illuminate, spreading knowledge and light.

2. **Practice of Enlightenment and Illumination**:
   - During this time, the noble person should use wisdom and knowledge to enlighten others, educate and guide, promote social progress, and spread positive energy.

### Kun Hexagram: 2-5 PM - Noble Person's Acceptance and Responsibility

1. **Symbol of Kun Hexagram**:
   - The Kun Hexagram symbolizes the earth, representing tolerance and carrying. From 2-5 PM, the afternoon of the day, the noble person should embrace acceptance and responsibility, treating others with tolerance and bearing all things.

2. **Practice of Acceptance and Responsibility**:
   - During this time, the noble person should treat others with tolerance, embrace differences, take on responsibilities, and face the various challenges in life and work with virtue and a tolerant attitude.

### Dui Hexagram: 5-8 PM - Noble Person's Friendship and Learning

1. **Symbol of Dui Hexagram**:
   - The Dui Hexagram symbolizes a lake, representing joy and communication. From 5-8 PM, the evening of the day, the noble person should engage in friendship and learning, exchanging ideas and growing together.

2. **Practice of Friendship and Learning**:
   - During this time, the noble person should communicate with friends, share knowledge and experiences, learn from each other, grow together, and enjoy the joy of exchange and cooperation.

### Conclusion

Through the 24-hour cycle of the post-heaven Bagua, we can better understand the different levels of self-cultivation, family management, state governance, and world peace for a noble person. The Qian Hexagram signifies self-strengthening, the Kan Hexagram signifies consistent virtue and learning, the Gen Hexagram signifies inward reflection, the Zhen Hexagram signifies vigilance and self-examination, the Xun Hexagram signifies mission and action, the Li Hexagram signifies enlightenment and illumination, the Kun Hexagram signifies acceptance and responsibility, and the Dui Hexagram signifies friendship and learning. Through reflection, action, and communication, we can live a fulfilling and beautiful life in the present world.

