
华严八字功法 Thanks to ChatGPT for providing such a wonderful explanation of the 8 Chinese Character Method of meditation.

0. Thanks to ChatGPT for providing such a wonderful explanation of the 8 Chinese Character Method of meditation. 

Making use of 8 Chinese Characters to guide us in the journey to the west in the present moment of this life. (Thanks to ChatGPT for the content and translation.)

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's the translation:


**Hua-Yan Eight-Character Practice**, as taught by Master Haiyun Jiyun, is a cultivation method based on the Avatamsaka Sutra. Its core involves practicing eight characters to achieve comprehensive enhancement of body, mind, and spirit. These eight characters are: Shou (守), Jing (静), Ding (定), Kong (空), Guan (观), Hui (慧), Jue (觉), Ming (明).

1. **Shou (守)**: Maintaining, which refers to maintaining inner stability and focus, similar to the concept of "stopping" in Zen meditation.
2. **Jing (静)**: Tranquility, achieving peace of mind through sitting meditation and introspection.
3. **Ding (定)**: Concentration, referring to the firmness and singularity of the mind, undisturbed by external influences.
4. **Kong (空)**: Emptiness, realizing the emptiness and impermanence of all things, thus reaching a state of transcendence.
5. **Guan (观)**: Observation, understanding the essence of things through observing internal and external changes.
6. **Hui (慧)**: Wisdom, cultivating thorough understanding and wisdom about things through practice and observation.
7. **Jue (觉)**: Enlightenment, achieving profound enlightenment about oneself and the world through continuous practice and reflection.
8. **Ming (明)**: Clarity, ultimately attaining inner clarity and brightness, like the morning sun illuminating all things.

This practice emphasizes internal cultivation and external practice, achieving overall enhancement and fulfillment of body and mind through continuous practice and reflection. This aligns with the principles of the I Ching, achieving one's destiny and natural disposition through the Way and education, attaining harmony with the universe.

**Correspondence with the Eight Trigrams:**

1. **Shou (Qian, ☰)**: Qian represents Heaven, symbolizing activity, strength, and persistence. Maintaining one's nature and the right path, like the constancy of Heaven.
2. **Jing (Kun, ☷)**: Kun represents Earth, symbolizing receptivity, inclusion, and tranquility. Cultivating a tranquil mind, akin to the Earth's steadiness and inclusiveness.
3. **Ding (Zhen, ☳)**: Zhen represents Thunder, symbolizing dynamic strength in stillness. Maintaining concentration amidst turmoil, like the steadfastness within thunder's rumble.
4. **Kong (Xun, ☴)**: Xun represents Wind, symbolizing emptiness and change. Understanding emptiness, like the formlessness and impermanence of wind.
5. **Guan (Li, ☲)**: Li represents Fire, symbolizing brightness and observation. Achieving wisdom's illumination through observation, like fire lighting up the darkness.
6. **Hui (Kan, ☵)**: Kan represents Water, symbolizing wisdom and depth. Water penetrates all gaps, symbolizing deep understanding of the essence of things.
7. **Jue (Gen, ☶)**: Gen represents Mountain, symbolizing stillness and enlightenment. The mountain's towering stability symbolizes firm and unwavering enlightenment.
8. **Ming (Dui, ☱)**: Dui represents Lake, symbolizing joy and clarity. Attaining inner brightness and joy through practice, like a lake nourishing all things.

This correspondence combines the symbolic meanings of the Eight Trigrams with the essence of the Hua-Yan Eight-Character Practice, helping us find deeper understanding and experience in the cultivation process. This reflects the harmony between external practice and internal cultivation in Chinese philosophy, suitable for spiritual cultivation in modern life.


1. **守**:保持,指的是保持内心的稳定和专注,类似于禅修中的“止”。
2. **静**:宁静,通过静坐和内观来达到心灵的平静。
3. **定**:定力,指的是心念的坚定和专一,不被外界干扰。
4. **空**:空性,体会到一切事物的空性和无常,从而达到超越的境界。
5. **观**:观照,通过观察内外的变化,来了解事物的本质。
6. **慧**:智慧,通过修行和观照,培养出对事物的透彻理解和智慧。
7. **觉**:觉悟,通过不断的修行和反思,达到对自我和世界的深刻觉悟。
8. **明**:明朗,最终达到内心的光明和清澈,犹如清晨的阳光照耀万物。



1. **守(乾卦)**:乾代表天,象征着主动、刚健和恒久。守住自己的本性和正道,如同天的恒常不变。
2. **静(坤卦)**:坤代表地,象征着柔顺、包容和宁静。静心修行,如同大地的沉稳和包容。
3. **定(震卦)**:震代表雷,象征着动中有静的力量。在动荡中保持定力,如雷的震动中有着内在的坚定。
4. **空(巽卦)**:巽代表风,象征着虚无和变化。理解空性,如风的无形和无常。
5. **观(离卦)**:离代表火,象征着光明和观察。通过观照达到智慧的光明,如火焰照亮黑暗。
6. **慧(坎卦)**:坎代表水,象征着智慧和深邃。水能深入一切缝隙,象征着深入了解事物本质的智慧。
7. **觉(艮卦)**:艮代表山,象征着止和觉悟。山的高耸和稳固象征着觉悟的坚定和不动摇。
8. **明(兑卦)**:兑代表泽,象征着喜悦和明朗。通过修行达到内心的光明和愉悦,如泽水润泽万物。



