
Interpretation of 深、长、匀、细 in both Chinese and English

A. 【中文版本:天来小子原创,ChatGPT给出诠释】这些比喻非常形象地描绘了调息的四个标准,与《西游记》中的角色特质相结合,增加了深度和趣味:

1. *深(猪八戒的情感大海)*:深呼吸如同在猪八戒情感的海洋中,从表面波涛汹涌到海底的宁静深处,能让我们体会到内心的宁静与深刻的美感。【深深深,沉降到情感大海的海底,深深海底行;对应人体中丹田的心轮的元气能量

2. *长(孙悟空的理性思考)*:长呼吸象征着孙悟空在漫长的修炼之路上的坚持与理性,通过每一步的积累,最终形成宽广的道路和深远的洞察力。【高高高,升浮到理智天空的天顶,高高天顶立;对应人体上丹田的顶轮的元神能量

3. *匀(沙悟净的动态平衡)*:均匀的呼吸如同沙悟净心灵中的感性与理性的平衡,保持着内心的和谐与稳定,正如他在团队中的角色,调和不同的元素。【定定定,运化于情感海底与理智天顶之间的春秋二分的量变的动态平衡点与冬夏二至的质变的乾坤大挪移的枢纽处;对应人体下丹田的腹轮的元精能量

4. *细(唐三藏的三位一体)*:细致的呼吸就像唐三藏的身体结构,每一个细胞都具有深刻的内涵和世界观,通过细致的调节,提升整体的和谐与功能。【一 一 一,一以贯之于仨徒弟的生命能量;对应人体顶轮百会穴与腹轮会阴穴对齐拉开的中轴线,由仨徒弟的任督二脉的小周天能量接通到四肢的十二经脉的大周天能量。


B. English Version [Originated by Little Master Sky Ng(天来小子) and interpretated by ChatGPT in Chinese then translated into English.]

 Certainly! Here’s the translation:

1. *Deep*: Like diving into the emotional ocean of Pigsy(老猪), from the tumultuous surface to the tranquil depths, appreciating the beauty of the underwater world. [Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart and breakthrough the bottom to connect with your bottomless heart of unconditional love.]

2. *Long*: In the long, winding journey of Monkey King's (老孙)rational thinking, the obstacles and rough patches are temporary; ultimately, they are smoothed out into a broad path. [Raise yourself up to the top of your mind and breakthrough the top to activate your topless mind of Sunyata Wisdom. ]

3. *Even*: Maintaining a wonderful dynamic balance in the soulful world of Sandy(老沙), where sensibility and rationality intermingle harmoniously. [Expand yourself out to the boundaries of the measurable universe with a diameter of 92 billion light years and breakthrough the boundaries to live fully in your boundless soul of the immeasurable universe.]

4. *Soft*: In Tang Seng’s(老师) integrated body of sensibility, rationality, and spirit, each cell is a world unto itself, reflecting the delicate balance and depth of the whole. [Based on the energy level of the microcosmic orbit (小周天) achieved by the above-mentioned stages, this is the energy level of the macrocosmic orbit (大周天) of the whole body.]

