悟与转识成智的关系 enlightenment and the transformation of knowledge into wisdom as shown by the Chinese Character “悟”
### 字形
- **中文**:字形上,“悟”由右字旁的“吾”和左字旁的“忄”组成。这里,“吾(五口:“视听嗅尝触”五觉的出入口-五个门前做买卖)”代表个体的感官知觉,“忄(三心:8心·7意·6识-三位一体)”则象征内在的觉悟和智慧。这种结构展示了从感官体验到心灵领悟的过程。
- **English**: The character “悟” is composed of “吾” (self) and “忄” (trinity of heart-mind-will). “吾” represents the individual's sensory perceptions, while “忄” symbolizes inner realization and wisdom. This structure illustrates the process from sensory experience to mental enlightenment.
### 感官知觉(吾:五识)
- **中文**:右边的“吾”字代表个体的五识(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身),即基础的感官知觉。这些感官获取外部世界的信息,为进一步的内在体验提供基础。
- **English**: The “吾” character on the right represents the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) of the individual, which are fundamental sensory perceptions. These senses gather information from the external world, providing the basis for further internal experiences.
### 意识层面
- **中文**:从感官知觉逐步深入到意识层面,包括第六意识(思维)、第七末那识(自我意识)、第八阿赖耶识(储藏意识)。这些层面帮助个体处理和储存感官信息,形成更深层次的认识。
- **English**: Moving from sensory perception to the level of consciousness, this includes the sixth consciousness (thinking), the seventh consciousness (self-awareness), and the eighth consciousness (storehouse consciousness). These levels help the individual process and store sensory information, forming deeper understanding.
### 四智的转化
1. **转第八阿赖耶识为大圆镜智(Great Mirror Wisdom)**:
- **中文**:第八识阿赖耶识是储藏意识,储存了所有的经验和潜能。通过修行,阿赖耶识被转化为大圆镜智,具备了如大圆镜般的全知智慧,能够全面照见一切事物的真实面貌。
- **English**: The eighth consciousness, the storehouse consciousness (Alaya-vijnana), stores all experiences and potentials. Through practice, it is transformed into the Great Mirror Wisdom, which possesses the ability to reflect the true nature of all things with complete clarity.
2. **转第七末那识为平等性智(Equality Wisdom)**:
- **中文**:第七识末那识是自我意识,常常关注于自我和差异。通过修行,末那识被转化为平等性智,超越了自我和差别的看法,看到一切存在的本质平等。
- **English**: The seventh consciousness, the self-awareness consciousness (Manas-vijnana), often focuses on the self and differences. Through practice, it is transformed into Equality Wisdom, which transcends self and differences to perceive the fundamental equality of all existence.
3. **转第六意识为妙观察智(Sublime Observation Wisdom)**:
- **中文**:第六意识是思维和分析的能力。通过修行,第六意识被转化为妙观察智,具备了透彻洞察一切现象的能力,能够观察到细微差别和深层联系。
- **English**: The sixth consciousness is the thinking and analytical ability. Through practice, it is transformed into Sublime Observation Wisdom, which has the capacity to thoroughly observe all phenomena and discern subtle distinctions and deep connections.
4. **转前五识为成所作智(Accomplished Action Wisdom)**:
- **中文**:前五识(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身)是基础的感官知觉,直接体验外部世界。通过修行,这些感官知觉被转化为成所作智,即智慧的实践,能够将感官体验应用于具体行动,并取得理想的结果。
- **English**: The five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) are the basic sensory perceptions that directly experience the external world. Through practice, these sensory perceptions are transformed into Accomplished Action Wisdom, which allows the application of sensory experiences to practical actions and achieving desired results.
### 总结
- **中文**:整体来看,“悟”字展示了从感官知觉到高层次智慧的转变过程。通过将感官知觉、意识层面转化为四智,体现了开悟的深化和智慧的全面觉醒。
- **English**: Overall, the character “悟” illustrates the process of transformation from sensory perception to higher wisdom. By transforming sensory perceptions and consciousness levels into the four types of wisdom, it reflects the deepening of enlightenment and the comprehensive awakening of wisdom.