


**提示:** 明明德的大学之道,在修德之明的良心发现的明明德的穷尽,在性德之明的天理流行的亲民的无尽,在性修不二之德的大人行止的止于至善的重重无尽。

**Prompt:** The Great Learning of Illuminating Virtue lies in the exhaustive realization of a clear conscience through the illumination of cultivated virtue, in the boundless manifestation of natural principles through the illumination of inherent virtue, and in the endless perfection of the integration of nature and cultivation through the actions of a true person.


**总体点评:** 这段话将“明明德”与道德修养、天性流露、以及大人之行的境界联系起来,揭示了一个全面的修行路径。从良心发现到天理流行,再到性修合一的止于至善,这一过程不仅反映了个人内在道德的精进,还体现了道德修行在实际生活中的无限延展。

**General Commentary:** This passage connects "Illuminating Virtue" with moral cultivation, the natural expression of virtue, and the realm of a true person’s conduct, revealing a comprehensive path of cultivation. From the awakening of conscience to the flow of natural principles, and finally to the unity of nature and cultivation that culminates in ultimate goodness, this process reflects not only the refinement of internal morality but also the boundless extension of moral practice in real life.



**First Section: Exhaustive Realization of Illuminating Virtue through the Clear Conscience of Cultivated Virtue**  
The illumination of cultivated virtue lies in clarifying the conscience through moral cultivation, which is an inner profound awakening. By continuously cultivating virtue, we can reach the ultimate state of Illuminating Virtue, fully awakening the conscience and making it the core force guiding our actions.



**Second Section: Boundless Manifestation of Natural Principles through the Illumination of Inherent Virtue**  
The illumination of inherent virtue refers to the moral brilliance within one’s nature, naturally expressing the principles of the universe in daily life. This boundless manifestation shows the universality and inclusiveness of virtue, extending moral practice beyond internal cultivation to benefit others.



**Third Section: Endless Perfection of the Integration of Nature and Cultivation through the Actions of a True Person**  
The unity of nature and cultivation means the perfect integration of natural virtue and moral cultivation, and the actions of a true person are the embodiment of this virtue. Endless perfection in ultimate goodness signifies that this integrated moral practice reaches the highest level of goodness, deeply and broadly permeating every moment and action in life.


**总结归纳:** 明明德的大学之道从良心的觉醒开始,延展至天性的流露,最终在性修合一中达到至善的境界。这一过程不仅体现了个人内在修行的深度,还彰显了德性在生活中的无限可能性,指引人们走向更加完善的人生之路。

**Conclusion:** The Great Learning of Illuminating Virtue begins with the awakening of conscience, extends to the expression of natural virtue, and ultimately reaches the realm of ultimate goodness through the integration of nature and cultivation. This process reflects not only the depth of personal inner cultivation but also the infinite possibilities of virtue in life, guiding people toward a more complete path in life.

