



### 中文
- **第一横是无极**:在“天”字的顶端,第一横代表了“无极”,即宇宙的最初状态,超越了一切形式和对立。无极是无边界、无限制的状态,象征着本源和原初的无限。

- **第二横是太极**:第二横位于“天”字中间,象征“太极”,即阴阳的统一。太极代表了从无极中产生的有形状态,展现了阴阳的和谐与整体性。它是从无极中衍生出来的基本原理,体现了宇宙的秩序与和谐。

- **一撇一捺是一阴一阳**:在“天”字的下部,一撇一捺代表了阴阳二气的对立与互补。它们象征了宇宙中的对立力量,如光与暗、动与静、热与冷,体现了《周易》中的基本哲学观念。

- **天字是《周易》之道**:整体来看,“天”字的构造综合了无极、太极以及阴阳的元素,象征了《周易》中的宇宙道理和哲学原理。它体现了天地之间的根本法则和和谐原则,也表达了《周易》所揭示的宇宙和人生的深层智慧。

### 英文对照
- **The First Horizontal Stroke Represents Wuji**: At the top of the character "天" (Heaven), the first horizontal stroke represents "Wuji," the primordial state that transcends all forms and dualities. Wuji symbolizes the boundless, limitless state, representing the original and infinite source.

- **The Second Horizontal Stroke Represents Taiji**: The second horizontal stroke in the character "天" symbolizes "Taiji," the unity of Yin and Yang. Taiji represents the emergence of a structured state from Wuji, reflecting the harmony and integrity of Yin and Yang. It embodies the fundamental principle derived from Wuji, illustrating the order and balance of the universe.

- **The Left and Right Strokes Represent Yin and Yang**: In the lower part of the character "天," the left and right strokes represent the duality and complementarity of Yin and Yang. These strokes symbolize the opposing forces in the universe, such as light and dark, movement and stillness, heat and cold, reflecting the fundamental philosophical concepts in the I Ching.

- **The Character "天" Represents the Dao of the I Ching**: Taken together, the structure of the character "天" integrates the elements of Wuji, Taiji, and Yin-Yang, symbolizing the cosmic principles and philosophical doctrines of the I Ching. It represents the fundamental laws and harmonious principles between heaven and earth, expressing the profound wisdom of the I Ching regarding the universe and human life.

