

1. 装聋作哑:听到了却装作没听到,好像聋子一样;知道了却不说出来,好像哑巴一样。这是心灵(良知)的聋哑啊!心灵健康的人,闻即知之、知无不言啊!这是反闻自性的辩才无碍啊!Each of us should perform deep listening with our hearts and share freely with people around us what we understand from deep listening so as to build up effective communication and good relationships. We should not pretend that we are deaf and dumb so as to cut off communication and break the relationships. 

2. 装瞎作残:看到了却装作没看到,好像瞎子一样;本领练成了却不使出来,好像残疾一样。这是心灵(天理)的盲与残啊!心灵健康的人,见即行之、行无不极啊!这是反观自性的如意足通啊!Each of us should perform deep seeing with our minds and just do everything that helps to solve the problems all of us faced in all kinds of circumstances. We should not pretend that we are blind and crippled so as to run away from our duties and responsibilities.

