
三种关系:忠、恕、仁 【三个境界的我】

1. 忠道:人与自己的关系 get connected deeply with oneself through Mind-In-Action (MIA: Mindfulness)  and attained the level of "true self" with no attachment to the worldly affairs by breaking through the self-centreness. 【无我相、无我见:“行动中的真我”,突破“自我中心”(我执)的我;阿罗汉/  君子的境界】

2. 恕道:人与人的关系 get connected deeply with people through Love-In-Action (LIA: Heartfulness)  and attained the level of "true love" with zero emotional garbage by breaking through the social-centreness. 【无人相、无众生相;无人见、无众生见:“行动中的真爱”,突破“他人中心”(情执)的我;菩萨/ 贤人的境界】

3. 仁道:人与上天的关系 get connected deeply with the ultimate dimension of life (Kingdom of God) through Soul-In-Action (SIA: Soulfulness) and attained the level of "the supreme reality" by breaking through the knowledge-centreness. 【无寿者相、无寿者见:“行动者的佛陀/孔子”,突破“知识中心”(法执)的我;佛陀/ 圣人的境界】

