
咸恒: 科学与宗教交融的能量管理 Xing-Heng Hexagrams: The integration of Sciences and Religions through the life energy management

0. 咸恒: 科学与宗教交融的能量管理 Xing-Heng Hexagrams: The integration of Sciences and Religions through the life energy management 

### 咸恒二卦就是科学与宗教交融的能量管理
**The Xian and Heng Hexagrams: The Art of Energy Management of integrating the wisdom of Sciences and Religions**

### 宗教与科学:心灵的双重能量管理
**Religion and Science: Dual Management of the Soul's Energy**

1. 第一重能量管理:咸卦的宗教能量管理——从咸卦的能量管理视角来看,宗教主要关注的是个体与宇宙的内在关系,通过仪式、信仰和精神实践来调动和升华个人的生命能量。这种方式注重内心的净化和精神的升华,像咸卦中的自我感应,推动个体的内在成长和转化。Little Master Sky Ng said so, Life energy management in the domain of religions. It is about the inner connection of self-nature and the universe. Through the purifying process, we can achieve inner growth and transformation in the state of awakening.

2. 第二重能量管理:恒卦的科学能量管理——从恒卦的能量管理视角来看,科学则主要关注于通过理性和实证的方法来探索和管理外在世界的能量。它通过实验、数据和理论来理解和操控自然现象,从而影响我们的生活和社会。这种方式类似于恒卦中的长期实践和管理,强调通过系统性的方法和持续的努力来实现对世界的有效控制和应用。按理来说,这是一种自内而外的人类心灵的爱心与智慧交融的完美彰显。遗憾的是,至今为止,人类科学与人类宗教没有挂钩,导致今日世界的种种乱象。Little Master Sky Ng said so, Life energy management in the domain of sciences. It is about manifesting the inner awakening energy inside-out to influence the outer world with the soul entity originating the life energy of love-wisdom.  However, this is obviously what we see in the real world due to the misalignment of the developments of sciences and religions. This has to be rectified in no time.

3. 双重能量管理:咸恒宫的宗教与科学交融的能量管理——宗教与科学这两者虽看似相反,但实际上相辅相成。宗教通过提升个体内在的精神能量,科学则通过提升对外在世界的掌控能力。它们共同构建了人类对生命和宇宙的全面理解,帮助我们在不同层面上实现内外的和谐与平衡。Little Master Sky Ng said so, Life energy management in the domain of integration of both religions and sciences. It is about manifesting the inner awakening energy inside-out to influence the outer world with the union of the body entity connecting the life energy of mind-heart-soul and the soul entity originating the life energy of love-wisdom.  

