
波粒二象性 wave-particle duality

波粒二象性 wave-particle duality


### 中文

### 英文对照
All things exhibit wave-particle duality, meaning that in this universe, everything exists simultaneously as both waves and particles. This concept applies not only to the material world but also to the realms of consciousness and spirit. Just as light can exist both as a wave and as a particle, human life and consciousness can be understood as possessing both individuality (particle nature) and wholeness (wave nature). The existence of an individual is like a particle, with defined boundaries and independence, while consciousness and awareness are like waves, diffusing, expanding, and transcending the limitations of time and space. In the process of education and awakening, understanding this wave-particle duality can help us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe, finding balance between the individual and the whole, and thereby achieving true wisdom and freedom.

