
念佛的大学之道**The "Great Learning" of Chanting Buddha's Name**

**The "Great Learning" of Chanting Buddha's Name**


**1. 在自性弥陀的明明德的穷尽:**  
1. In the pursuit of 'Illuminating Virtue' through the realization of Amitabha within one's true nature:  
By awakening to Amitabha within one's true nature, one fully illuminates the inner Buddha-nature, allowing awareness and compassion to be fully revealed.


**2. 在唯心净土的亲民的无尽:**  
2. In the boundless connection through the Pure Land of the Mind-Only:  
Through practicing the Pure Land of the Mind-Only, one manifests boundless compassion and wisdom, experiencing the purification of the mind and guiding all beings toward liberation.


**3. 在彻底觉醒的止于至善的重重无尽:**  
3. In the infinite realization of perfection through complete awakening:  
Through complete awakening, one attains the ultimate state of goodness, where Buddha-nature and the infinite wisdom of life reveal layers of endless fulfillment and harmony.

