
Self Rescue 中英对照版本:自我疗愈的生命能量

0. Self Rescue 中英对照版本:自我疗愈的生命能量

**A Sanctuary Within: Embracing the Present Moment**

Are you there suffering? Please come in here to heal.

In the intricate journey of life, where shadows often obscure our path and sorrow seems boundless, imagine this: a sanctuary within yourself, a serene refuge where healing begins.

**The Present Moment as a Refuge**

Envision this sanctuary as a luminous space within your heart, untouched by time’s passage. Here, the present moment unfolds like a gentle embrace, offering comfort and peace. It is a realm where the weight of the past and the anxieties of the future dissolve into stillness.

**A Dance of Acceptance and Transformation**

In this sacred space, suffering is welcomed not as an intruder but as a guest to be understood and transformed. The present moment invites, "Bring your wounds, your grief, and your uncertainties. Here, they will find solace and a path toward healing." Through acceptance, suffering finds a new purpose and direction.

**Nirvana: The Ultimate Integration**

As we embrace this inner sanctuary, we move closer to Nirvana, the ultimate state of peace and enlightenment. This profound state is not just an accumulation of virtues but a deep realization of life's essence. In this space, our inner peace reflects the universe’s boundless tranquility, guiding us to live each moment fully and gracefully.

**A Call to Self-Rescue**

To those who suffer: enter this inner haven where the present moment offers its healing touch. Let your heart’s sanctuary become a refuge where pain is met with compassion and transformation. Embrace this peace as your guide and ally, and find within yourself the strength to navigate and transcend life's trials.

In this dance of acceptance and transformation, the true sanctuary is always within, ready to be embraced.













