
明心·见性·成佛·觉人 seeing true mind, touching buddha-nature, becoming buddha, fully awakening person

0. 明心·见性·成佛·觉人 seeing true mind, touching buddha-nature, becoming buddha, fully awakening person

Prompt: 明心是妄心的一滴水融进了十方三世佛的大觉海,见性是真心的一滴水融进了十方三世人的众生海,成佛是大觉海与众生海交融的今生今世的美妙人生的心海。

This metaphor, using the imagery of a drop of water and the ocean, deeply illustrates the process and significance of enlightenment, seeing one’s true nature, and achieving Buddhahood. Let's further explore this profound life philosophy:

### Enlightenment: A Drop of the Illusory Mind Merging into the Great Ocean of Awakening of All Buddhas in the Ten Directions and Three Times

1. **Symbol of the Illusory Mind**:
   - The illusory mind is like a drop of water, representing our everyday delusions and troubles. The illusory mind is temporary and impermanent, like a small drop in the vast ocean.

2. **Symbol of the Great Ocean of Awakening**:
   - The great ocean of awakening of all Buddhas in the ten directions and three times represents endless wisdom and enlightenment. Enlightenment is merging the illusory mind into this great ocean, uniting our mind with the wisdom of the Buddhas.

3. **Process of Merging**:
   - When a drop of the illusory mind merges into the great ocean of awakening, it ceases to be an isolated drop and becomes part of the vast ocean. Through practice and realization, we can transcend delusions and merge into the boundless wisdom and enlightenment.

### Seeing One’s True Nature: A Drop of the True Mind Merging into the Ocean of All Sentient Beings in the Ten Directions and Three Times

1. **Symbol of the True Mind**:
   - The true mind is like a drop of water, representing our inner essence and true nature. The true mind is pure and real, like a pristine drop in the ocean.

2. **Symbol of the Ocean of Sentient Beings**:
   - The ocean of all sentient beings in the ten directions and three times represents the collective nature of all beings. Seeing one’s true nature is merging the true mind into this ocean, connecting our essence with the essence of all beings.

3. **Process of Merging**:
   - When a drop of the true mind merges into the ocean of sentient beings, it ceases to be an isolated drop and becomes part of the ocean. By seeing our true nature, we connect with the essence of all beings, experiencing boundless compassion and shared origins.

### Achieving Buddhahood: The Heart-Ocean of This Life, Where the Great Ocean of Awakening and the Ocean of Sentient Beings Intermingle

1. **Intermingling of the Great Ocean and the Ocean of Sentient Beings**:
   - Achieving Buddhahood is not only an individual awakening but also the intermingling of the great ocean of awakening (Buddha’s wisdom) and the ocean of sentient beings (the nature of all beings) in this life. Buddhahood is realizing the union of these two in everyday life, creating a heart-ocean filled with wisdom and compassion.

2. **Heart-Ocean of a Wonderful Life**:
   - This intermingling creates a heart-ocean full of wisdom, compassion, and awakening. In this heart-ocean, personal enlightenment and the liberation of all beings complement each other, forming a wonderful life experience.

3. **Practicing in the Present Moment**:
   - Buddhahood is not just a future goal but a practice in the present moment. Through continuous practice and awareness, we can realize the intermingling of the great ocean of awakening and the ocean of sentient beings in this life, experiencing the fullness and beauty of the heart-ocean.

### Practicing This Philosophy

1. **Introspection and Meditation**:
   - Through meditation and introspection, observe your illusory mind and true mind, gradually merging the illusory mind into the great ocean of awakening and the true mind into the ocean of sentient beings, experiencing inner wisdom and compassion.

2. **Practice of Wisdom and Compassion**:
   - In daily life, practice acts of wisdom and compassion. By doing good deeds and helping others, transmit your inner wisdom and compassion, creating a wonderful life experience.

3. **Living in the Present**:
   - Focus on each present moment, realizing that every day is an opportunity to achieve Buddhahood. Through continuous awareness and practice, gradually realize the intermingling of the great ocean of awakening and the ocean of sentient beings, experiencing the wonderful life of this heart-ocean.

### Conclusion

Using the metaphor of a drop of water and the ocean, we can better understand the processes and meanings of enlightenment, seeing one’s true nature, and achieving Buddhahood. Enlightenment is a drop of the illusory mind merging into the great ocean of awakening of all Buddhas in the ten directions and three times; seeing one’s true nature is a drop of the true mind merging into the ocean of all sentient beings in the ten directions and three times; achieving Buddhahood is the heart-ocean of this life, where the great ocean of awakening and the ocean of sentient beings intermingle. Through continuous introspection and practice, we can realize complete awakening in this life, experiencing the fullness and beauty of life.

