
正念思维、语言和行动就是周易之道的内涵 mindfulness of I-ching in terms of thinking, speech and action.

**提示:** 先天八卦是正念思维的明明德的穷尽的世界,后天八卦是正念语言的亲民的无尽的世界,周易六十四卦是正念行动的止于至善的重重无尽的世界。

**Prompt:** The Pre-Heaven Bagua represents the world of mindful thinking that fully illuminates virtue; the Post-Heaven Bagua represents the world of mindful speech that is infinitely compassionate; the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching represent the world of mindful action that leads to endless layers of ultimate goodness.


**总体点评:** 这段文字将中国古代易学与正念修行结合,展现了三者之间的深层关联。先天八卦象征着纯净、先天的思维世界,与正念思维的明明德相应;后天八卦代表了世俗世界中的表达与沟通,契合正念语言的无尽亲民;而周易六十四卦,则象征着行动在多样情境中的应用和终极智慧的累积,与正念行动的止于至善相映成辉。

**General Commentary:** This passage integrates ancient Chinese I Ching principles with mindfulness practices, showcasing the deep connection between the two. The Pre-Heaven Bagua symbolizes a pure, primordial realm of thought, aligning with the mindful thinking that fully illuminates virtue; the Post-Heaven Bagua represents communication and expression in the worldly realm, corresponding with the infinitely compassionate mindful speech; and the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching embody the application of action in various contexts, reflecting the endless layers of ultimate goodness in mindful action.



**First Section: The Pre-Heaven Bagua and the Full Illumination of Virtue in Mindful Thinking**  
The Pre-Heaven Bagua, representing the primordial state before the division of Heaven and Earth, symbolizes a pure, untainted mode of thinking. This mirrors mindful thinking, which seeks heightened awareness and clarity, eliminating distractions and returning to the essence of thought, ultimately leading to the full illumination of virtue.



**Second Section: The Post-Heaven Bagua and the Infinite Compassion of Mindful Speech**  
The Post-Heaven Bagua reflects the state of creation and the proliferation of all things, symbolizing the expression and interaction of language in society. Similarly, mindful speech is not just a personal practice but a way of communicating with others, spreading kindness and truth. Through genuine and compassionate expression, mindful speech achieves infinite connections with the hearts of others.



**Third Section: The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching and the Endless Layers of Ultimate Goodness in Mindful Action**  
The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching encompass the ways humanity responds to various situations, symbolizing the broad application of action wisdom. Similarly, mindful action emphasizes maintaining awareness and focus in diverse life situations, ultimately leading to the realm of ultimate goodness, revealing progressively deeper layers of wisdom and virtuous deeds.


**总结归纳:** 先天八卦、后天八卦与周易六十四卦不仅是易学的象征符号,更可以理解为正念修行中的三大支柱。通过正念思维的纯净、正念语言的善意、正念行动的智慧,我们可以在人生中实现真正的觉醒与圆满。

**Conclusion:** The Pre-Heaven Bagua, Post-Heaven Bagua, and 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are not merely symbolic in the study of the I Ching but can also be understood as the three pillars of mindfulness practice. Through the purity of mindful thinking, the kindness of mindful speech, and the wisdom of mindful action, we can achieve true awakening and fulfillment in life.

