
不可说法 both Chinese and English versions are provided in this post

0. 不可说法 both Chinese and English versions are provided in this post 【“不可说法”对应的是佛陀的彻底觉醒的菩提境界,“无为法”对应的是菩萨的梦中佛事的慈悲境界,“有为法”对应的是众生的执迷不悟的虚妄境界。只有傻瓜笨蛋,才会把“不可说法”理解为“不可用语言表达的最高境界”,这种傻瓜笨蛋犯下的是下地狱的谤佛重罪啊!】



1. **不可说法**:并不是无法用语言表达,而是可以通过多种丰富的语言形式表达。这些表达方式不限于固定的语言形式,能够根据不同的沟通对象和背景调整。

2. **有为法与无为法**:有为法是通过具体的语言和行为传达的教法;无为法是超越具体形式的、更深层次的智慧和真理。

3. **源头活水**:不可说法是有为法和无为法的根源,就像活水源源不断地滋养一切。它为有为法和无为法提供了基础,使其得以存在和发挥作用。

4. **无说而无不说**:虽然不可说法可以用各种语言形式表达,但其深层的意义在不同的表达方式中都能传达,具有全面和深远的影响。

**English Translation:**

"The teachings that cannot be spoken can indeed be expressed through language, and are conveyed through a rich variety of linguistic forms. They transcend fixed modes of expression and serve as the living source for both conditioned and unconditioned teachings. Though not confined to specific expressions, their essence is fully communicated in diverse forms."

This means:

1. **Teachings That Cannot Be Spoken**: These can be expressed through language and are conveyed in a rich variety of forms. They are not limited to fixed modes of expression but can adapt according to different contexts and audiences.

2. **Conditioned and Unconditioned Teachings**: Conditioned teachings are those conveyed through specific language and actions; unconditioned teachings refer to deeper wisdom and truths beyond concrete forms.

3. **Living Source**: The unspeakable teachings are the fundamental source for both conditioned and unconditioned teachings, akin to a living spring that continually nourishes everything. They provide the foundation for the existence and efficacy of both forms of teachings.

4. **Not Confined Yet Fully Expressed**: Although these teachings can be expressed in various linguistic forms, their deep essence is communicated across different expressions, having a comprehensive and profound impact.

