The Chinese character for "milk" (乳) is composed of three parts: a "claw" (爪), a "child" (子), and a "bend" (乚).
- **The "claw" (爪)** represents the hand of the father, symbolizing the nurturing and protective influence of the Heavenly (乾卦) force.
- **The "child" (子)** signifies that each of us is a unique child of the universe, an individual with inherent value and potential.
- **The "bend" (乚)** represents the body, symbolizing the nurturing care and support provided by the Earthly (坤卦) force, akin to a mother’s nurturing embrace.
Together, these elements illustrate the comprehensive and nurturing aspects of life, where the paternal and maternal energies of the cosmos work in harmony to support and sustain every individual.