
黄帝内经: 全形健康与全角健康

0. 黄帝内经: 全形健康与全角健康。读者须知:黄帝内经里的的脏腑学说,不是西医解剖学意义的尸体的物质性结构体的唯物论视角,而是中医气化学意义的活人的身心灵完整生命体的唯道论的唯心论与唯物论交融的全方位视角。

1.《黄帝内经》: 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善,三纲领。知止、有定、能静、能安、能虑,能得的六次第。始于古之欲明明德于天下者,中于先是全角健康的退六步而后是全形健康的进七步,终于明明德于天下的如愿以偿。诚意就是“诚真意”而后“人同此心,心同此理”的“良心在此,天理亦在此”的活在当下的今生今世的美妙人生。

2. 全角健康:内在的五脏系统的生命健康,自外而内的开悟体验,时时处处保持着慎独功夫的高度警觉与深度慈悲。始于古之欲明明德于天下者,中于先治国、先齐家、先修身、先正心、先诚意、先致知,自外而内,退了六步,终于在格物的枢纽处。致知就是“致良知”而后“良心发现”的真功夫

3. 全形健康:外在的六腑系统的生命健康,自内而外的实践体验,在日常生活的点点滴滴之中落实上天独生子的天命,极高明而道中庸。始于物格的源头活水,中于而后知致、而后意诚、而后心正、而后身修、而后家齐、而后国治、而后天下平,自内而外,进了七步,终于明明德于天下的如愿以偿。格物就是“格本物”而后“天理流行”的真实受用。

In the "Huangdi Neijing," "quan jiao" (全角) and "quan xing" (全形) both represent ideal states of health but emphasize different aspects.

- **Quan Jiao (全角) Health**: Focuses on internal harmony and balance within the body. It refers to the coordination of various internal systems, such as the organs, meridians, and qi-blood flow. When these systems are balanced, it manifests as overall functional health and well-being.

- **Quan Xing (全形) Health**: Concerns the external form and integrity of the body. It refers to the health and normalcy of the body's structure, shape, and posture. It emphasizes the alignment of the body's external appearance with its natural state.

In summary, quan jiao health focuses on internal harmony and balance, while quan xing health emphasizes the external form and completeness of the body. Both aspects are complementary and together contribute to overall health.

