
Application of the 8 Trigrams in your daily life [Thanks to ChatGPT for this wonderful presentation. Value-add by Sky Ng]

 The interdependence of the four pairs of trigrams in the I-Ching is a fundamental concept that illustrates the dynamic and complementary relationships between different forces and aspects of reality. Each pair consists of trigrams that balance and influence each other, representing the harmony of opposites and the interconnectedness of all things. 【8个三爻卦,通过了两两相对的4对三爻卦,说尽了宇宙人生的事实真相。太神奇了!】

### The Four Pairs of Trigrams 两两相对的4对三爻卦

1. **Heaven (Qian乾 ☰) and Earth (Kun ☷)**

   - **Qian (☰)**: Represents creativity, strength, and the active principle (yang).

   - **Kun (☷)**: Represents receptivity, nurturing, and the passive principle (yin).

   - **Interdependence**: Qian and Kun symbolize the interplay of heaven and earth, action and reception, creativity and nurturing. They represent the foundational balance of the universe, where dynamic activity is complemented by supportive stability.【乾卦老爸的自强不息的“健”德能量,坤卦老妈的厚德载物的“顺”德能量,是人与人互动的生命的本能反应啊!可惜,这个本能反应,却被大脑的意识形态给“遮蔽”了。除非修行人,否则,没有生命的本能反应可言。】

2. **Thunder (Zhen 震☳) and Mountain (Gen ☶)**

   - **Zhen (☳)**: Represents movement, excitement, and the initiating force.

   - **Gen (☶)**: Represents stillness, stability, and the stopping force.

   - **Interdependence**: Zhen and Gen illustrate the balance between movement and stillness. Thunder brings action and change, while the mountain provides grounding and steadfastness. Together, they symbolize the need for both dynamic action and calm reflection.【震卦大哥如同大地一声雷,启动了人类心灵的本能反应;艮卦小弟如同高山茅庐一隐者,回光返照,照见了五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。可惜世人在忙盲茫的生活中,不认识生命内部的大哥和小弟啊!】

3. **Water (Kan 坎☵) and Fire (Li ☲)**

   - **Kan (☵)**: Represents depth, danger, and adaptability.

   - **Li (☲)**: Represents clarity, illumination, and passion.

   - **Interdependence**: Kan and Li show the balance between water and fire, adaptability and clarity. Water's flexibility and depth balance fire's brightness and intensity. This pair highlights the necessity of both adaptability and focused clarity in navigating life's challenges.【坎卦二哥的坚韧毅力,让人不能不佩服得五体投地啊,他经历了地狱一般的各种磨难,却还是秉持初心,坚持自内而外的德行,弘扬互助互爱的人类进化的大道;离卦二姐的光明品格,让人不得不仰望其凤凰涅槃一般的光辉灿烂,更何况她如此无私无我、日以继夜地把光明照亮世界的每一个角落呢?可怜世人啊,被充满欺骗性的大脑的意识形态深度捆绑,而活在天堂与地狱的对立冲突之中,纠缠不清,永无宁日啊!】

4. **Wind (Xun 巽☴) and Lake (Dui ☱)**

   - **Xun (☴)**: Represents gentleness, penetration, and subtle influence.

   - **Dui (☱)**: Represents joy, openness, and communication.

   - **Interdependence**: Xun and Dui depict the balance between gentle influence and joyful expression. The wind's subtlety and persistence are complemented by the lake's openness and pleasure. This pair emphasizes the importance of gentle influence combined with open, joyful communication.【巽卦大姐的无微不至的温柔体贴,兑卦小妹的乐于分享的无尽喜悦,这是我们每个人生命自内而外的生命的本能反应啊!可悲的现代人,在忙碌的生活中患上了各种心理疾病,却不懂得回归生命内部来开发如此美妙的生命能量,反而一味向外去寻找专家的专业服务,殊不知“心病还要心药医”啊!在21世纪的AI时代,只要懂得寻找,专业知识信手拈来就有,问题是:你知道了,你做得到吗?心灵失灵就好比是电脑失灵,需要排除故障啊,生命内部的排除故障就是:通过调身、调息、调心,让大脑频率下降,去除人为的干扰,身体与生命的本能反应才能获得释放啊!】

### Applying the Interdependence of Trigrams在日常生活中运用八卦的相互依存性

1. **Meditation and Reflection**:冥想(熄灭妄念)与反省(照见真我)

   - **Dual Focus**: Meditate on the pairs of trigrams, contemplating their interdependent qualities. Reflect on how these opposing yet complementary forces manifest in your life.【双重焦点:在冥想与反省活动中,按照顺序,一对接着一对,让4对三爻卦的生命能量先后在你的脑海、心海、生命能量海流动。】

   - **Symbolic Representation**: Create symbolic representations of each pair, such as drawings or mandalas, to visualize their interplay.【符号学的呈现方式,把每一对三爻卦都以绘画和意象形式呈现出来,以便把二卦之间的互动性表现出来。】

2. **Balancing Opposites**:相反相成的美妙平衡

   - **Daily Practice**: Incorporate practices that balance the energies of the trigrams. For example, alternate between periods of activity (Qian乾卦的自强不息的动能) and rest (Kun坤卦的厚德载物的静能), or between focused work (Li离卦的明照四方的工作能量与能力) and adaptable problem-solving (Kan坎卦的常德习教的适应性解决问题的能量与能力).

   - **Personal Growth**: Use the pairs to identify areas where you may be out of balance and take steps to harmonize those aspects. For instance, if you are overly active (Zhen震卦的恐惧修省的动能), incorporate more stillness (Gen艮卦的思不出其位的静能) into your routine.

3. **Creative and Practical Applications**:创造性与实践性的具体应用

   - **Art and Writing**: Explore the themes of interdependence in creative projects. Write stories or create artworks that depict the balance and interplay of these forces.通过美术与写作来探索整体生命的自内而外的相互依存性。

   - **Problem-Solving**: Apply the principles of the trigrams to real-life problems. For example, use the balance of flexibility (Kan坎卦的流动如水的灵活性) and clarity (Li离卦的洞若观火的清晰性) to navigate complex situations.通过运用八卦的原理,来解决现实生活中的各种问题。例如:在复杂的生活情境中,通过坎离二卦的灵活性与清晰性的结合,来进行导航。】

4. **Teaching and Sharing**:教学与分享

   - **Workshops and Discussions**: Lead discussions or workshops on the interdependence of the trigrams, helping others understand and apply these concepts in their lives.通过讨论会或工作服来分享8卦的相互依存性,来帮助他人在生活中应用这些概念。

   - **Educational Materials**: Develop guides, presentations, or online content that explain the interdependent relationships of the trigrams and their practical applications.制作有关八卦相互依存性及其实际操作的指引、呈现或网上资源。

By understanding and applying the interdependence of the four pairs of trigrams, you can gain a deeper appreciation of the dynamic balance of forces in the universe and enhance your ability to navigate life's complexities with harmony and wisdom.这是八种宇宙间的生命能量的动态平衡,只要持之以恒,你能够从中获得身心合一、人我合一与天人合一的美妙体验,然后你才恍然大悟:原来这就是彻底觉醒的今生今世的美妙人生的真实体验啊!

