
人生五问 5 important questions

0. 人生五问 5 important questions

Q1. 内心第一问:“等一下,什么?” 不要轻信耳朵听到的一切信息,必须睁开眼睛来观察、来验证其真假。给自己一点等候时间来检验。Wait, what? Don't simply believe what teachers tell you. Open your eyes to observe and examine it. Is it really true? Allow a wait time for yourself to check before you accept it.

Q2. 内心第二问:“我想弄明白什么?” 不要停留于睁开眼睛来检验,必须迈出脚步来探索、来发现更美好的事物。留给自己一个探索和发现的生命空间。I wonder can I......? Don't just open your eyes to observe, but also step out of your comfort zone to explore and discover. Allow yourself to have a space to explore and discover.

Q3. 内心第三问:“最少我们可以沟通和协作什么?” 不要停留于个人的探索和发现,要通过沟通和协作跟身边的人一起探索和发现。留给自己和身边的人一个共同探索和发现的空间。Can we at least try this together? Don't stop at individual exploring and discovering, but also invite others around us to explore and discover together through effective communication and collaboration.

Q4. 内心第四问:“我可以帮上什么忙?” 不要停留于探索和发现自己和他人的共同空间,要勇敢走在最前面,做领头羊。为自己和他人开拓一片新天地。What can I help? Don't stop at exploring and discovering the common space of self and others, but also take the lead and be the change we want to see in the world

Q5. 内心第五问:“什么才是最重要的?” 不要在性天的最高成就中沾沾自喜,要回归于实相大地,安住在无所不在之常寂光净土。启发自己和他人回归到丢而不失的心灵故乡。What truly matters? Don't feel contented and be carried away at the cloud for your outstanding contributeion, but also come down to the solid earth of ultimate reality by living in the present moments of peace and happiness. Inspire ourselves and others to return to the home of our souls, which are also named as Kingdom of God, Pure Land of Buddha and many other names by different schools of thoughts and beliefs

6. 第五问,大哉问!这一问,与国学大师南怀瑾对21世纪的宗教所作的预测,完全相应!南大师如是说:21世纪的一切宗教,都必须脱去宗教的外衣,打开宗教的大门。脱去宗教的外衣,赤裸裸一丝不挂的真实人生的本来面目啊!打开宗教的大门,石破天惊、横空出世的人类心灵开悟能力的大门啊!Question Five is nothing but stripping off all clothes of religions and opening up all gates of religions in the 21 centuary as suggested by the great mind, Mr. Nan Huai Jin who was generally regarded an enlightened person. Undressed religion means touching the ultimate reality of life by living in the present moments of peace and happiness; and, this is only possible when we achieve the full enlightenment by opening up the mental, emotonal and spiritual gates in us.

