
Care. Connect. Contribute

 1. Care like the 观自在菩萨by Letting Go totally so as we can be fully at ease. 【崃按:完全放下就是观自在菩萨,就能够契入“般若无知根本智”的生命境界。这是自渡成佛的报身佛。截断众流句。意密相应意中玄】

2. Connect like the 观世音菩萨by Rasing Up totally so as we can enjoy the full freedom of lives with Compassion and Loving Kindness. 【崃按:完全提起就是观世音菩萨,就能够契入“无所不知后得智”的生命境界。这是“千手千眼·现身说法”的普渡众生的化身佛。随波逐浪句。口密相应句中玄】

3. Contribute like the 证得无上菩提的等妙二觉by Balancing in Golden Mean so as we can leave a legacy of wisdom tradition for humankind. 【崃按:不住生死,不住涅槃;缘起中道,空有一如。在法界缘起里,净染一如,生佛不二。这一份“毕竟空,不可得”的真实功德,就是遗留给智人物种的最大礼物了!】

