

 1. 新与陈:新事物之生生不息、旧事物之死死不已,此乃“三易”之变动不居之“变易”现象也!Dying to everything each minute. This is the truth of our lives, no matter you see it or not. 【身体层面的生命:生与死共步同时的历程】

2. 代与谢:新事物之“江山代有才人出”也,旧事物之“无可奈何花落去”也,此乃“三易”之简单容易之“简易”心理也!A time to talk, and a time to listen. A time to work, and a time to retire. A time to say hi, and a time to say bye. This is a simple and easy rule for a happy and peaceful life and yet few people can realize, let alone follow. 【理性和感性层面的生命:悲智双运的修心历程】

3. 不生不死:新事物从哪里来,旧事物到哪里去,此乃“三易”之如常不变之“不易”本源也!This is about the spiritual well-being of our lives. The total well-being of our lives comprises four aspects: physical / physiological well-being, mental well-being, emotional well-being and spiritual well-being. In other words, our total health comprises four aspects: body health, mind health, heart health and soul health. The spiritual well-being or the soul health connects with the ultimate dimension of the real and unmeasurable universe. 【悟性层面的生命:行愿交资的悟道历程】

