
Art of Observation 观的艺术

1. The art of mindfulness is actually an art of observation. 静心的艺术其实就是观照的艺术。

2. Care deeply and observe: Who am I? Everyone of us can get a clear answer for this question through purified observation of our own conscious. Yes, purified observation means pure observation like a child without the thinking processes. Once we get caught with the thinking processes, we lose our ability to perform purified observation. It is due to the fact that thinking processes can only be framed within limited time and space while our buddha-nature is linked with the real and unmeasurable universe. Once we are able to observe without thinking processes, then we are able to see our own buddha-nature and realize the ultimate truth that: I am buddha! 观照自性佛:摆脱念头、思想的纠缠和干扰,接通般若智慧,而看到终极的事实真相:我是佛!

3. Connect extensively and observe: Can I friend you? Once we see our own buddha-nature and realize that we are buddhas, we will definitely want to friend with all suffering beings as we see clearly that they are all parts of us and we are  parts of them too. We see clearly that all the suffering beings and ourselves are actually living in each others. We are inter-beings, as Thich Nhat Hanh put it. We, like waves of the ocean, can't be free  unless we connect with all the waves and see the ultimate truth that: You and I are one! 观照自性众生:我和众生都好比是大海里的波浪,波浪和波浪必须取得心对心的密切联系,然后看到终极的事实真相:我们是密不可分的大海!

4. Contribute bravely and observe: Can I change the world? Once we can connect effectively with people around us and realize that we are all living in an unseparated community, we will definitely take full responsibility to do our best to safeguard the environment we are living in. To be precise, we will be full of love, full of initiatives and full of courage to make positive changes to our environment. Yes, we take the lead in the changes we want to see in the world and see the ultimate truth that: We are the world! 观照自性净土:我们只要进一步深入观照,就可以看到“境随心转,依报和正报是一个东西”,然后就可以大彻大悟:我们就活在当下即是的菩提世界里!

