0. 闭关记录105: Thinking Heart, Feeling Mind.
1. Thinking Heart: This is a so called "mind-heart" which is the capability of an enlightened soul. You know what, the heart of unconditional heart is actually a "mind-heart" which is both kind and wise.
2. Feeling Mind: This is a so called "heart-mind" which is another capability of an enlightened soul. You know, mind of reflective wisdom is actually a "heart-mind" which is both wise and kind.
3. The enlighten soul is the source of the thinking heart and feeling mind. The Little Boy Tian Lai learned these two terms of thinking heart and feeling mind when he was a MOE teacher. Now, he is able to make sense of them here with the help of Stephen R. Covey's wisdom shown in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. How wonderful it is! Yay!!!