
假借挚友手,转注明月心: SKY

0. 何止是汉字书写✍️系统, “假借挚友手,转注明月心”【**借花·献佛**;**借尸·还魂**——“尸”用古义,意即把自己身体借给祖先或神明来显化】的悟性思维也可以用到英语来。譬如我的名“天”假借“挚友手“(慈悲念:英语是新加坡人的挚友)为SKY……

S: See
K: Key
Y: Yes


S:See. Oh, I see! An unexamined life is not worth living. Now, I see it! I see that I am nobody who can be anybody. You know what. I see it with the mind of reflective wisdom.

K: Key. I am holding the key to the wonderful life of myself and others firmly in my hand. It’s a key to the heart of loving kindness and compassion. 

Y: Yes!I am home in the peace and love of the present moment. In the Now of the present moment, I am positioning myself at the center of the universe; and, I am entering into the eternity through the entrance of the Here in the present moment.

Wonderful, isn’t it? My dear friends, it’s true and real. This is the way we can, should and must live our lives. Live it out, here and now!
In short, 天下本无事,庸人自扰之啊!


