
Your body is a trinity of love, wisdom and courage and is smarter than the smart devices

0. Your body is a trinity of love, wisdom and courage and is smarter than the smart devices
1. Your body is a trinity of love, wisdom and courage. 【我们的身体是一个“唐三藏”,藏着“猪八戒”的爱心宝藏、“孙悟空”的智慧宝藏和“沙和尚”的勇气宝藏】

1.1 Love is the source of religions. 【“猪八戒”的爱心宝藏是生命的源头活水,一切宗教从这里流出;宗教同源,同源于爱】

1.2 Wisdom is the bridge of humanities. 【“孙悟空”的智慧宝藏是不同人群、文化的沟通桥梁;人类一体,一体于智】

1.3 Courage is the name of God. 【“沙和尚”的勇气宝藏是打破一切隔阂、障碍的秘密武器;上帝唯一,唯一于气】

2. Your body is smarter than the smart devices. 【我们身体的天工智能,远胜于人工智能】

