
Calm down. Raise up. Breakthrough.

1. Calm down. 息怒:把万丈怒火平息下来。Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart. 把万丈怒火平息下来,接通内心深处的大悲水、清凉风的风吹水流境界 

2. Raise up. 振作:从万丈深渊振作起来。Raise yourself up to the top of your mind. 把万丈深渊的大鲲鱼能量给释放出来,以接通九霄之上的大鹏鸟的能量,享受鸢飞鱼跃的境界

3. Breakthrough. 开悟:从日常生活小事中体验生命的无限美好。To achieve a breakthrough both at the bottom of your heart and the top of your mind so as to enjoy the unlimited space of your free soul. 打破一切时间和空间的隔碍,生活在自由心灵的终极维度空间里

