0. 美国万佛城家风:六不。不争贪求不自私,不自利不打妄语。The six precepts in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in America.
1. 不争:忍让之德。no fighting: the virtue of tolerance and stepping backwards.
2. 不贪:清廉之德。no greedy: the virtue of clean and plain.
3. 不求:知足之德。no seeking: the virtue of knowing what one has is enough.
4. 不自私:大方之德。not being selfish: the virtue of generosity.
5. 不自利:分享之德。not being self-interest: the virtue of sharing and giving.
6. 不打妄语:说真话或禁语之德。not telling lies: the virtue of speaking the truth of non-speech.